Gregor Schwerhoff

Last Updated: May 03, 2024

Personal WebPage:

Fluent In: French, German.

Previous Experience:

World Bank

German Development Cooperation (GIZ)

Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC)

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

IMF Books and Working Papers:

Energy Security and The Green Transition , Working Paper No. 2024/006 , January 12, 2024

Green Innovation and Diffusion: Policies to Accelerate Them and Expected Impact on Macroeconomic and Firm-Level Performance , Staff Discussion Notes No. 2023/008 , November 06, 2023

Equity and Efficiency Effects of Land Value Taxation , Working Paper No. 2022/263 , December 16, 2022

Climate Policy Options: A Comparison of Economic Performance , Working Paper No. 2022/242 , December 09, 2022

Getting on Track to Net Zero: Accelerating a Global Just Transition in This Decade , Staff Climate Note No 2022/010 , November 04, 2022

The International Diffusion of Policies for Climate Change Mitigation , Working Paper No. 2022/115 , June 03, 2022

Policy Sequencing Towards Carbon Pricing - Empirical Evidence From G20 Economies and Other Major Emitters , Working Paper No. 2022/066 , April 01, 2022

Economic and Environmental Benefits from International Cooperation on Climate Policies , Departmental Paper No 2022/007 , March 17, 2022

F&D articles

Where the sun shines (joint with Mouhamadou Sy), Finance & Development, March 2020, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Personal WebPage:

Fluent In: French, German.

Previous Experience:

World Bank

German Development Cooperation (GIZ)

Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC)

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

IMF Books and Working Papers:

Energy Security and The Green Transition , Working Paper No. 2024/006 , January 12, 2024

Green Innovation and Diffusion: Policies to Accelerate Them and Expected Impact on Macroeconomic and Firm-Level Performance , Staff Discussion Notes No. 2023/008 , November 06, 2023

Equity and Efficiency Effects of Land Value Taxation , Working Paper No. 2022/263 , December 16, 2022

Climate Policy Options: A Comparison of Economic Performance , Working Paper No. 2022/242 , December 09, 2022

Getting on Track to Net Zero: Accelerating a Global Just Transition in This Decade , Staff Climate Note No 2022/010 , November 04, 2022

The International Diffusion of Policies for Climate Change Mitigation , Working Paper No. 2022/115 , June 03, 2022

Policy Sequencing Towards Carbon Pricing - Empirical Evidence From G20 Economies and Other Major Emitters , Working Paper No. 2022/066 , April 01, 2022

Economic and Environmental Benefits from International Cooperation on Climate Policies , Departmental Paper No 2022/007 , March 17, 2022

F&D articles

Where the sun shines (joint with Mouhamadou Sy), Finance & Development, March 2020, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Publications in Journals (Refereed)

Global climate policy with differentiated carbon price floors

Energy transition: The race between technology and political backlash

Global benefits of the international diffusion of carbon pricing policies

Leadership in carbon pricing encourages other countries to follow

Economic Policy and Technology Choice of Heterogeneous Producers

Policy sequencing towards carbon pricing among the world’s largest emitters

Land tenure, climate and risk management

Taxation of economic rents

Agricultural Productivity and Forest Conservation: Evidence from the Brazilian Amazon

Developing Africa’s energy mix

Can land taxes foster sustainable development? An assessment of fiscal, distributional and implementation issues

Environmental Taxation, Inequality and Engel’s Law: The Double Dividend of Redistribution

Export tariffs combined with public investments as a forest conservation policy instrument

Leadership in climate change mitigation: Consequences and incentives

Optimal Environmental Taxation with Capital Mobility

Intra-household allocation of parental leave

Long-Term Development Perspectives of Sub-Saharan Africa under Climate Policies

Policy options for a socially balanced climate policy

Financing renewable energy in Africa – Key challenge of the sustainable development goals

The economics of leadership in climate change mitigation

The Non-Monetary Side of the Global Disinflation