International Monetary Fund

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WEO Data Forum > Consideration of inflation increase

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gaizinho Consideration of inflation increase
Dear WEO-Team,

the awareness of strong inflation increase worldwide will be considered in the following September/October publication of the CPI indizes?

By the way, do you already know the day when the new data will be published?

Thanks for your reply.

7/10/2008 4:29:37 AM
WEOmoderator Re : Consideration of inflation increase
Not only will inflation be highlighted in the October publication, but it will also be covered in our July update that will be released this Tuesday, July 15.

As for data, the update on July 15 will contain a small subset of the data we release with the full publication, which will be released on October 8.
7/10/2008 8:02:02 AM
gaizinho Re : Consideration of inflation increase
Is the update of CPI adjustement already available? If so please help me, I cant find it ohn the webpage. Thanks.
7/16/2008 10:23:42 AM
WEOModerator Re : Consideration of inflation increase
The release of the WEO Quarterly Update was postponed to tomorrow, July 17th. Please check back then. Sorry for the delay.
7/16/2008 5:31:51 PM
gaizinho Re : Consideration of inflation increase
The new release concerning Global Slowdown and rising inflation figures shows projections of change in Gross domestic product, constant prices.

Is there any dependancy between GDP and Inflation so I can calculate an updated increase of CPI based on the GDP update published yesterday?
7/18/2008 3:18:44 AM
WEOmoderator Re : Consideration of inflation increase
Unfortunately, there is no direct link (GDP at constant prices compensates for inflation within an economy) and we cannot release any data that is not already included in the update's table. That said, the table does include inflation figures for the aggregate advanced and emerging and developing economies country groups.
7/23/2008 7:33:29 AM