International Monetary Fund

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WEO Data Forum > Differences between PPPs released by the World Bank and the IMF WEO

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vera_moser Differences between PPPs released by the World Bank and the IMF WEO

I am trying to figure out the differences between the PPPs by the World Bank and the WEO (e.g. PPP USD/BRL 2006 WEO: 1,3760; World Bank: 1,3709).

Are there any details on calculations and aggregations of PPPs available?

I would really appreciate some input.

Best regards,
Vera Moser
8/12/2008 5:21:23 AM
WEOmoderator RE: Differences between PPPs released by the World Bank and the IMF WEO
Thank you for your question. The PPP exchange rate comes from a calculation that starts with the PPP exchange reported by the International Comparison Project (ICP) for years 2003-2005, which is then extended backwards and forwards by the growth in relative GDP deflators (the deflator of a country divided by the deflator of the United States)." Differences in PPP exchange rate estimates with other organizations must be confirmed from the providers of those estimates.
The PPP exchange rate converts local currency to U.S. dollars. For information on how the ICP constructs its PPP exchange rate, please visit their website (see here).

We provide a discussion of how we aggregate for country groups in our WEO Database FAQ page.
8/12/2008 10:25:08 AM