IMF Staff Country Reports

Austria: Austria: Selected Issues

February 2, 2017

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Austria: Austria: Selected Issues, (USA: International Monetary Fund, 2017) accessed February 18, 2025


This Selected Issues paper discusses structural and fiscal reforms in Austria that could increase potential output. Structural measures focused on further liberalization of professional services, and lowering of the barriers to trade and investment to increase potential output. Although Austria is among the countries with least restrictive business environment, there is a room for further improvement. The policy recommendations focus mostly on startups, professional services (legal, accounting, architecture, and engineering professions), competition in network industries, and barriers to foreign direct investment, resulting in an estimated impact of roughly 1.5 percent of GDP in the medium term.

Subject: Bank credit, Banking, Credit, Expenditure, Money, Potential output, Production, Public investment spending, Total factor productivity

Keywords: Austria, Bank, Bank credit, Bank equity price index, Banking system, CR, Credit, Credit growth, Economic activity, Europe, Global, ISCR, OECD indicator, Output effect, Potential output, Public investment spending, Return on equity, TFP growth, Total factor productivity

Publication Details

  • Pages:


  • Volume:


  • DOI:


  • Issue:


  • Series:

    Country Report No. 2017/027

  • Stock No:


  • ISBN:


  • ISSN:
