IMF Publications by Subject

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Title: Belgium: Selected Issues

Series: Country Report No. 2005/076

Date: March 3, 2005

Subject: Aging Employment Labor Labor costs Population and demographics Tax policy Tax wedge Wages

Title: Spain: Selected Issues

Series: Country Report No. 2005/057

Date: February 17, 2005

Subject: Aging Expenditure Labor Labor supply Pension spending Pensions Population and demographics


Title: Risk Management and the Pension Fund industry

Series: Global Financial Stability Report No. 2004/004

Date: October 14, 2004

Subject: Aging Bonds Expenditure Financial institutions Labor Pension spending Pensions Population and demographics Stocks

Title: Sweden: Selected Issues

Series: Country Report No. 2004/245

Date: August 9, 2004

Subject: Aging Expenditure Fiscal policy Insurance Labor Population and demographics Revenue administration


Title: Italy: Selected Issues

Series: Country Report No. 2003/352

Date: November 13, 2003

Subject: Aging Expenditure Inflation Labor Pension spending Pensions Population and demographics Prices Retirement

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