IMF Publications by Subject
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Currency markets:
Title: A Markov-Switching Approach to Measuring Exchange Market Pressure
Series: Working Paper No. 2007/242
Date: October 1, 2007
Subject: Currencies Currency markets Depreciation Exchange rate adjustments Exchange rates
Title: Moving to Greater Exchange Rate Flexibility: Operational Aspects Based on Lessons from Detailed Country Experiences
Series: Occasional Paper No. 2007/005
Date: April 30, 2007
Subject: Currency markets Exchange rate arrangements Exchange rate flexibility Exchange rates Financial markets Foreign exchange
Title: A Small Foreign Exchange Market with a Long-Term Peg: Barbados
Series: Working Paper No. 2006/245
Date: October 1, 2006
Subject: Banking Currencies Currency markets Foreign exchange Foreign exchange transactions
Title: Common Volatility Trends in the Central and Eastern European Currencies and the Euro
Series: Working Paper No. 2006/206
Date: September 1, 2006
Subject: Currencies Currency markets Economic integration Exchange rates Financial markets Financial sector policy and analysis Foreign exchange Monetary unions Money Spillovers
Title: Tunisia: Selected Issues
Series: Country Report No. 2006/208
Date: June 12, 2006
Notes: Also available online in French
Subject: Balance of payments Capital account Capital account liberalization Currency markets Financial markets Foreign direct investment Portfolio investment
Title: The Euro’s Challenge to the Dollar: Different Views from Economists and Evidence from COFER (Currency Composition of Foreign Exchange Reserves) and Other Data
Series: Working Paper No. 2006/153
Date: June 1, 2006
Subject: Currencies Currency markets Current account deficits International bonds Reserve currencies
Title: Official Foreign Exchange Intervention
Series: Occasional Paper No. 2006/001
Date: March 2, 2006
Subject: Banking Currency markets Exchange rate arrangements Exchange rates Financial markets Foreign exchange Foreign exchange intervention
Title: Guinea: Staff Report for the 2005 Article IV Consultation and Staff-Monitored Program
Series: Country Report No. 2006/037
Date: February 3, 2006
Notes: Also available online in French
Subject: Banking Currency markets Exchange rates External debt Financial markets Fiscal policy Foreign exchange Monetary base
Title: Guinea: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix
Series: Country Report No. 2006/025
Date: January 25, 2006
Subject: Commercial banks Currency markets Exchange rates Financial markets Foreign exchange Real effective exchange rates Real exchange rates
Title: Quality of Financial Policies and Financial System Stress
Series: Working Paper No. 2005/173
Date: September 1, 2005
Subject: Commercial banks Currency markets Economic sectors Financial crises Financial institutions Financial markets Financial sector Stock markets