IMF Publications by Subject
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Health care spending:
Title: Cyprus: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix
Series: Country Report No. 2003/031
Date: February 14, 2003
Subject: Aging Expenditure External position Health care spending Labor Pension spending Pensions Population and demographics
Title: Population Aging and Long-Term Fiscal Sustainability in Austria
Series: Working Paper No. 2002/216
Date: December 1, 2002
Subject: Aging Expenditure Health care spending Labor Pension spending Pensions Population and demographics Retirement
Title: Expenditure Issues and Governance in Central America
Series: Working Paper No. 2002/187
Date: November 1, 2002
Subject: Education Expenditure Health Health care spending Income inequality National accounts Poverty
Title: Germany: Selected Issues
Series: Country Report No. 2002/240
Date: October 31, 2002
Subject: Expenditure Financial institutions Health Health care Health care spending Insurance Labor Labor markets
Title: Is the PRGF Living Up to Expectations?
Series: Occasional Paper No. 2002/008
Date: September 26, 2002
Subject: Budget planning and preparation Expenditure Health care spending Poverty Poverty reduction Poverty reduction strategy Public financial management (PFM)
Title: Fiscal Dimensions of Sustainable Development
Series: Pamphlet Series, No. 54
Date: August 12, 2002
Subject: Agroindustries Development Expenditure Fiscal policy Health Health care spending Sustainable development
Title: Denmark: Selected Issues-The Danish Fiscal Framework—Looking Back and Ahead
Series: Country Report No. 2002/102
Date: May 21, 2002
Subject: Expenditure Health care spending Labor Pension spending Pensions Public debt
Title: Moreon the Effectiveness of Public Spendingon Health Care and Education: A Covariance Structure Model
Series: Working Paper No. 2002/090
Date: May 1, 2002
Subject: Education Education spending Expenditure Health Health care spending
Title: Social Sector Spending in a Panel of Countries
Series: Working Paper No. 2002/035
Date: February 1, 2002
Subject: Education Education spending Expenditure Health care spending Total expenditures
Title: Providing Health Care to HIV Patients in Southern Africa
Series: Policy Discussion Paper No. 2001/003
Date: October 1, 2001
Subject: Expenditure Health Health care Health care spending HIV and AIDS Total expenditures