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Income distribution:



Title: Fiscal Policy and Long-Run Growth

Author: Vito Tanzi ; Zee, H Howell

Series: Working Paper No. 1996/119

Date: October 1, 1996

Notes: Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 44, No. 2, June 1997.

Subject: Expenditure Fiscal policy Human capital Income distribution Income inequality Labor National accounts


Title: $name

Author: Jeffrey D. Cole ; Christopher M Towe

Series: Working Papers

Date: January 1, 0001

Subject: Income distribution


Title: Economic Transformation and Income Distribution: Some Evidence From the Baltic Countries

Author: Weder, Beatrice ; Cornelius, Peter

Series: Working Paper No. 1996/014

Date: March 1, 1996

Notes: Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 43, No. 3, September 1996.

Subject: Expenditure Income distribution Income inequality Labor National accounts Personal income Social assistance spending Wages


Title: The Distributional Effects of Public Expenditure: Update and Overview

Author: Ter-Minassian, Teresa ; Gerd Schwartz

Series: Working Paper No. 1995/084

Date: August 1, 1995

Notes: An earlier version of this paper was presented at the "VIIth Regional Seminar on Fiscal Policy" of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL) in Santiago, Chile, January 23-26, 1995.

Subject: Consumption Expenditure Income distribution Income inequality National accounts Personal income Poverty

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