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Income tax systems:
Title: Tax Policy Handbook
Series: Books
Date: April 25, 1995
Subject: Corporate income tax Income and capital gains taxes Income tax systems National accounts Personal income Taxes Value-added tax
Title: Comprehensive Tax Reform: The Colombian Experience
Series: Occasional Paper No. 1995/002
Date: March 28, 1995
Subject: Income Income and capital gains taxes Income tax systems National accounts Revenue administration Tariffs Taxes Value-added tax
Title: The Reform of Tax Administration
Series: Working Paper No. 1995/022
Date: February 1, 1995
Subject: Income tax systems Revenue administration Tax administration core functions Tax collection Taxes Value-added tax
Title: Economic Reform in China: A New Phase
Series: Occasional Paper No. 1994/002
Date: September 15, 1994
Subject: Credit Fiscal policy Foreign exchange Income and capital gains taxes Income tax systems Money National accounts Personal income Taxes
Title: The Pay-As-You-Earn Taxon Wages: Options for Developing Countries and Countries in Transition
Series: Working Paper No. 1994/105
Date: September 1, 1994
Subject: Income Income tax systems Labor National accounts Personal income Revenue administration Tax administration core functions Taxes Wages
Title: The Behavior of Real Interest Rates in Exchange-Rate Based Stabilization Programs
Series: Working Paper No. 1994/075
Date: June 1, 1994
Subject: Bonds Consumption Exchange rate adjustments Financial institutions Financial services Foreign exchange Income tax systems National accounts Real interest rates Taxes
Title: Tax Policy Implications in Endogenous Growth Models
Series: Working Paper No. 1994/038
Date: March 1, 1994
Subject: Consumption Human capital Income Income tax systems Labor National accounts Revenue administration Taxes
Title: Witholding Taxes and the Cost of Public Debt
Series: Working Paper No. 1994/018
Date: February 1, 1994
Subject: Income tax systems Interest tax Public debt Tax allowances Taxes Withholding tax
Title: Endogenous Time Preference and Endogenous Growth
Series: Working Paper No. 1994/015
Date: January 1, 1994
Subject: Consumption Consumption taxes Human capital Income tax systems Labor National accounts Taxes
Title: The Taxation of High Income Earners
Series: Policy Discussion Paper No. 1993/019
Date: December 1, 1993
Subject: Income and capital gains taxes Income tax systems National accounts Personal income Personal income tax Tax equity Tax incentives Tax policy Taxes