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Macrostructural analysis:
Title: Papua New Guinea: Fourth Review Under the Stand-By Arrangement and Request for Waiver of Performance Criteria
Series: Country Report No. 2001/184
Date: October 23, 2001
Subject: Banking Currencies Economic sectors Expenditure Foreign exchange Macrostructural analysis Money Public sector Structural reforms
Title: IMF Conditionality and Country Ownership of Programs
Series: Working Paper No. 2001/142
Date: September 1, 2001
Subject: Central banks Collateral Financial institutions Financial sector policy and analysis International reserves Loans Macrostructural analysis Moral hazard Structural reforms
Title: IMF Survey, Volume 30, Issue 13
Series: IMF Survey No. 0030/013
Date: January 1, 2001
Subject: Currencies Economic integration Exchange rate flexibility Exchange rates Foreign exchange Macrostructural analysis Monetary unions Money Structural reforms
Title: Israeli Inflation From An International Perspective
Series: Working Paper No. 2000/178
Date: November 1, 2000
Subject: Disinflation Fiscal policy Inflation Inflation targeting Macrostructural analysis Monetary policy Prices Structural reforms
Title: World Economic Outlook, October 2000: Focus on Transition Economies
Series: World Economic Outlook No. 2000/002
Date: September 19, 2000
Subject: Asset prices Emerging and frontier financial markets Financial markets Inflation Macrostructural analysis Oil prices Prices Production Productivity Structural reforms
Title: Chile's Rapid Growth in the 1990's-Good Policies, Good Luck, or Political Change?
Series: Working Paper No. 2000/153
Date: August 1, 2000
Subject: Inflation International trade Macrostructural analysis Prices Production Production growth Productivity Structural reforms Terms of trade
Title: Corruption, Structural Reforms, and Economic Performance in the Transition Economies
Series: Working Paper No. 2000/132
Date: July 1, 2000
Subject: Balance of payments Corruption Crime Exchange rate arrangements Fiscal policy Fiscal stance Foreign direct investment Foreign exchange Macrostructural analysis Structural reforms
Title: Globalization and Catching-Up: From Recession to Growth in Transition Economies
Series: Working Paper No. 2000/100
Date: June 1, 2000
Subject: Emerging and frontier financial markets Financial markets Globalization Institutional arrangements for revenue administration Labor Macrostructural analysis Revenue administration Structural reforms
Title: Growth Experience in Transition Countries, 90-98
Series: Occasional Paper No. 2000/008
Date: April 19, 2000
Subject: Balance of payments Economic sectors Foreign direct investment Labor Macrostructural analysis Privatization Production Productivity Structural reforms
Title: Bulgaria: Staff Report for the 1999 Article IV Consultation and Third Review Under the Extended Arrangement
Series: Country Report No. 2000/053
Date: April 18, 2000
Notes: Included with the Staff Report are the text of Public Information Notice No. 00/32 and a statement by J. de Beaufort Wijnholds, Executive Director, on March 31, 2000.
Subject: Balance of payments Banking Budget planning and preparation Current account deficits External debt Fiscal policy Macrostructural analysis Public financial management (PFM) Structural reforms