IMF Publications by Subject
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Personal income tax:
Title: Gender Bias in Tax Systems
Series: Working Paper No. 1996/099
Date: September 1, 1996
Subject: Gender Gender inequality Income tax systems National accounts Personal income Personal income tax Taxes Women
Title: Unemployment Benefits Versus Conditional Negative Income Taxes
Series: Working Paper No. 1995/065
Date: July 1, 1995
Subject: Employment Expenditure Income tax systems Labor Personal income tax Taxes Unemployment Unemployment benefits
Title: The Taxation of Financial Assets: A Survey of Issues and Country Experiences
Series: Working Paper No. 1995/046
Date: May 1, 1995
Subject: Capital income Corporate income tax Effective tax rate Income tax systems National accounts Personal income Personal income tax Tax policy Taxes
Title: Staff Studies for the World Economic Outlook, December 1993
Series: World Economic and Financial Surveys No. 1993/001
Date: January 15, 1994
Subject: Capital income tax Consumption taxes Exchange rates Foreign exchange Imports Inflation Personal income tax Prices Taxes
Title: The Taxation of High Income Earners
Series: Policy Discussion Paper No. 1993/019
Date: December 1, 1993
Subject: Income and capital gains taxes Income tax systems National accounts Personal income Personal income tax Tax equity Tax incentives Tax policy Taxes
Title: Supply-Side Economics in an Integrated World Economy
Series: Working Paper No. 1993/081
Date: November 1, 1993
Subject: Capital income tax Consumption Consumption taxes Expenditure Fiscal policy National accounts Personal income tax Taxes
Title: Technical Assistanceon Tax Policy: A Review
Series: Working Paper No. 1993/065
Date: August 1, 1993
Subject: Consumption taxes Income and capital gains taxes Income tax systems Personal income tax Taxes Value-added tax
Title: The State of Tax Policy in the Central Asian and Transcaucasian Newly Independent States (NIS)
Series: Policy Discussion Paper No. 1993/008
Date: July 1, 1993
Subject: Income Income tax systems National accounts Personal income Personal income tax Taxes Value-added tax
Title: A Comparative Analysis of the Structure of Tax Systems in Industrial Countries
Series: Working Paper No. 1993/014
Date: February 1, 1993
Subject: Average effective tax rate Capital income tax Consumption taxes Income tax systems Personal income tax Tax policy Taxes
Title: Trends and Future Directions in Tax Policy Reform: A Latin American Perspective
Series: Working Paper No. 1992/043
Date: June 1, 1992
Subject: Corporate income tax Income and capital gains taxes Income tax systems Personal income tax Taxes Value-added tax