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Trade balance:
Title: The Meaning of Balance of Payments Statistics in an Interdependent World
Series: Working Paper No. 1994/131
Date: November 1, 1994
Subject: Balance of payments Balance of payments statistics Economic and financial statistics Foreign direct investment International trade National accounts Trade balance Trade in goods
Title: The United States: Japan Current Account Imbalance: A Review
Series: Policy Discussion Paper No. 1994/008
Date: March 1, 1994
Subject: Balance of payments Current account Current account deficits Foreign exchange Imports International trade Real exchange rates Trade balance
Title: Robustness of Equilibrium Exchange Rate Calculations to Alternative Assumptions and Methodologies
Series: Working Paper No. 1994/017
Date: February 1, 1994
Subject: Balance of payments Current account Exchange rates Foreign exchange International trade Real effective exchange rates Real exchange rates Trade balance
Title: Comparative Advantage, Exchange Rates, and G-7 Sectoral Trade Balances
Series: Working Paper No. 1994/005
Date: January 1, 1994
Notes: Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 41, No. 2, June 1994.
Subject: Comparative advantage Economic sectors International trade Labor Labor costs Manufacturing Total factor productivity Trade balance Wages
Title: Revisiting Japan's External Adjustment Since 1985
Series: Working Paper No. 1993/052
Date: June 1, 1993
Subject: Export prices Exports Import prices Imports International trade Price elasticity Prices Trade balance
Title: A Guide to Direction of Trade Statistics
Series: Books
Date: March 15, 1993
Subject: Direction of trade Exports Imports International trade Trade balance Trade systems
Title: Robustness of Macroeconomic Indicators of Capital Mobility
Series: Working Paper No. 1992/111
Date: December 1, 1992
Subject: Business cycles Consumption Economic growth External position Foreign assets International trade Labor National accounts Trade balance
Title: The Terms of Trade and Economic Fluctuations
Series: Working Paper No. 1992/098
Date: November 1, 1992
Notes: A three-good, stochastic intertemporal equilibrium model of a small open economy is used to examine the link between terms of trade and business cycles.
Subject: Business cycles Consumption Economic growth Import prices International trade National accounts Prices Terms of trade Trade balance
Title: A Quantitative Examination of Current Account Dynamics in Equilibrium Models of Barter Economies
Series: Working Paper No. 1992/014
Date: February 1, 1992
Notes: Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 39, No. 4, December 1992.
Subject: Consumption Financial markets Imports International trade National accounts Securities markets Terms of trade Trade balance
Title: Commodity Booms and Government Expenditure Responses
Series: Working Paper No. 1991/044
Date: May 1, 1991
Notes: Includes country experiences for Kenya, Malaysia and Sri Lank.
Subject: Commodities Commodity booms Expenditure Exports Foreign exchange International trade Real exchange rates Trade balance