IMF Publications by Subject
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Title: The Short-Term Impact of COVID-19 on Labor Markets, Poverty and Inequality in Brazil
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/066
Date: March 5, 2021
Subject: COVID-19 Employment Health Income Labor Labor markets National accounts Unemployment
Title: COVID-19 She-Cession: The Employment Penalty of Taking Care of Young Children
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/058
Date: March 4, 2021
Subject: Education Employment Gender Gender inequality Labor Unemployment Women
Title: Pandemics and Inequality: Perceptions and Preferences for Redistribution
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/053
Date: February 26, 2021
Subject: COVID-19 Health Income Population and demographics Unemployment
Title: Youth Unemployment in Uruguay
Series: Working Paper No. 2020/281
Date: December 11, 2020
Subject: Employment Labor Labor markets Unemployment Unemployment rate
Title: Labor Market Informality and the Business Cycle
Series: Working Paper No. 2020/256
Date: November 20, 2020
Subject: Business cycles Economic growth Labor Labor markets Production Total factor productivity Unemployment
Title: IT Shields: Technology Adoption and Economic Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Series: Working Paper No. 2020/208
Date: September 25, 2020
Subject: COVID-19 Education Health Labor Technology Unemployment Unemployment rate
Title: Mitigating Long-term Unemployment in Europe
Series: Working Paper No. 2020/168
Date: August 21, 2020
Subject: Active labor market policies Employment Labor Labor market policy Labor markets Unemployment
Title: United States: 2020 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for United States
Series: Country Report No. 2020/241
Date: August 10, 2020
Subject: COVID-19 Financial institutions Health Income Labor Loans National accounts Unemployment
Title: Tracking the Economic Impact of COVID-19 and Mitigation Policies in Europe and the United States
Series: Working Paper No. 2020/125
Date: July 10, 2020
Subject: Commodities COVID-19 Electricity Expenditure Health Labor Labor markets Unemployment Unemployment benefits
Title: Who will Bear the Brunt of Lockdown Policies? Evidence from Tele-workability Measures Across Countries
Series: Working Paper No. 2020/088
Date: June 12, 2020
Subject: Employment Labor Labor markets Unemployment Wages