Lebanon |
Gross domestic product, constant prices |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: National Statistics Office. 2004-2018
Latest actual data: 2018. Data for 2004-2018 revised as per the latest data from the statistics office.
Notes: Starting in 2020, the exchange rate applied throughout the series is the official parallel market exchange rate.
National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008. Accounts were established according to the SNA 2008 but with simplified model adapted to Lebanon. .
GDP valuation: Market prices
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
Base year: 2010. Used by Fund staff (the authorities use 2010 as base year).
Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2010
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
59,862.886 |
44,897.164 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2018 |
Lebanon |
Gross domestic product, constant prices |
Percent change |
See notes for:
Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency).
-6.700 |
-25.000 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2018 |
Lebanon |
Gross domestic product, current prices |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: National Statistics Office. 2004-2018
Latest actual data: 2018. Data for 2004-2018 revised as per the latest data from the statistics office.
Notes: Starting in 2020, the exchange rate applied throughout the series is the official parallel market exchange rate.
National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008. Accounts were established according to the SNA 2008 but with simplified model adapted to Lebanon. .
GDP valuation: Market prices
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
Base year: 2010. Used by Fund staff (the authorities use 2010 as base year).
Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2010
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
79,252.108 |
95,629.175 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2018 |
Lebanon |
Gross domestic product, current prices |
U.S. dollars |
Billions |
See notes for:
Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency).
52.572 |
19.126 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2018 |
Lebanon |
Gross domestic product, current prices |
Purchasing power parity; international dollars |
Billions |
See notes for:
Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency).
103.980 |
78.931 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2018 |
Lebanon |
Gross domestic product, deflator |
Index |
See notes for:
Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)
Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency).
132.389 |
212.996 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2018 |
Lebanon |
Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices |
National currency |
Units |
See notes for:
Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)
Population (Persons).
8,731,830.005 |
6,577,913.073 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2012 |
Lebanon |
Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices |
Purchasing power parity; 2017 international dollar |
Units |
See notes for:
Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)
Population (Persons).
14,551.594 |
10,962.091 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2012 |
Lebanon |
Gross domestic product per capita, current prices |
National currency |
Units |
See notes for:
Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)
Population (Persons).
11,560,016.290 |
14,010,693.389 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2012 |
Lebanon |
Gross domestic product per capita, current prices |
U.S. dollars |
Units |
See notes for:
Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)
Population (Persons).
7,668.336 |
2,802.139 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2012 |
Lebanon |
Gross domestic product per capita, current prices |
Purchasing power parity; international dollars |
Units |
See notes for:
Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)
Population (Persons).
15,166.989 |
11,564.192 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2012 |
Lebanon |
Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of world total |
Percent |
See notes for:
Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency).
0.077 |
0.060 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2018 |
Lebanon |
Implied PPP conversion rate |
National currency per current international dollar |
See notes for:
Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency).
762.183 |
1,211.558 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2018 |
Lebanon |
Gross national savings |
Percent of GDP |
Source: National Statistics Office. 2004-2018
Latest actual data: 2018. Data for 2004-2018 revised as per the latest data from the statistics office.
Notes: Starting in 2020, the exchange rate applied throughout the series is the official parallel market exchange rate.
National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008. Accounts were established according to the SNA 2008 but with simplified model adapted to Lebanon. .
GDP valuation: Market prices
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
Base year: 2010. Used by Fund staff (the authorities use 2010 as base year).
Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2010
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
-7.485 |
-6.080 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2018 |
Lebanon |
Inflation, average consumer prices |
Index |
Source: National Statistics Office
Latest actual data: 2019/20
Harmonized prices: No
Frequency of source data: Monthly
Base year: 2010/11. December 2010=100
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
124.164 |
233.646 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2020 |
Lebanon |
Inflation, average consumer prices |
Percent change |
See notes for:
Inflation, average consumer prices (Index).
2.895 |
88.176 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2020 |
Lebanon |
Inflation, end of period consumer prices |
Index |
Source: National Statistics Office
Latest actual data: 2019/20
Harmonized prices: No
Frequency of source data: Monthly
Base year: 2010/11. December 2010=100
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
134.628 |
337.086 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2020 |
Lebanon |
Inflation, end of period consumer prices |
Percent change |
See notes for:
Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index).
6.960 |
150.384 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2020 |
Lebanon |
Volume of imports of goods and services |
Percent change |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Base year: 2005
Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes
Formula used to derive volumes: Other
Chain-weighted: No
Trade System: Special trade
Excluded items in trade: Re-imports;
Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products;
Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
-4.371 |
-50.087 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
Volume of Imports of goods |
Percent change |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Base year: 2005
Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes
Formula used to derive volumes: Other
Chain-weighted: No
Trade System: Special trade
Excluded items in trade: Re-imports;
Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products;
Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
-2.238 |
-44.123 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
Volume of exports of goods and services |
Percent change |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Base year: 2005
Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes
Formula used to derive volumes: Other
Chain-weighted: No
Trade System: Special trade
Excluded items in trade: Re-imports;
Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products;
Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
-3.014 |
-49.453 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
Volume of exports of goods |
Percent change |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Base year: 2005
Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes
Formula used to derive volumes: Other
Chain-weighted: No
Trade System: Special trade
Excluded items in trade: Re-imports;
Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products;
Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF)
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
24.283 |
-19.418 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
Population |
Persons |
Millions |
Source: National Statistics Office. Also: IMF staff.
Latest actual data: 2012. The 2007 households living conditions was the latest official survey. An update in 2010 was conducted under the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey.
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
6.856 |
6.825 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2012 |
Lebanon |
General government revenue |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Revenue projections are made based on the macroeconomic assumptions and revenue buoyancy of various taxes (as measures by elasticity measures and staff's understanding of the authorities' tax policy measures). On the spending side, projections reflect the authorities' projections, with a few deviations to take into account key macroeconomic assumptions (e.g., WEO oil price for subsidies to the electricity company). Monetary projections are based on key assumptions on deposits growth, dollarization and credit to private sector.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. GFSM 2001 has been adopted but should be refined. Budgetary expenditure data are reported on a modified cash basis, corresponding to the issuance of payment orders.
Basis of recording: Mixed. Modified cash basis (only corrects for arrears)
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits;. Information on the size of public assets is not available in case of Lebanon. Net debt is calculated as gross debt minus value of government’s accounts at the central bank.
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
16,674.020 |
11,349.201 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
General government revenue |
Percent of GDP |
See notes for:
General government revenue (National currency).
21.039 |
11.868 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
General government total expenditure |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Revenue projections are made based on the macroeconomic assumptions and revenue buoyancy of various taxes (as measures by elasticity measures and staff's understanding of the authorities' tax policy measures). On the spending side, projections reflect the authorities' projections, with a few deviations to take into account key macroeconomic assumptions (e.g., WEO oil price for subsidies to the electricity company). Monetary projections are based on key assumptions on deposits growth, dollarization and credit to private sector.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. GFSM 2001 has been adopted but should be refined. Budgetary expenditure data are reported on a modified cash basis, corresponding to the issuance of payment orders.
Basis of recording: Mixed. Modified cash basis (only corrects for arrears)
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits;. Information on the size of public assets is not available in case of Lebanon. Net debt is calculated as gross debt minus value of government’s accounts at the central bank.
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
24,986.020 |
20,816.207 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
General government total expenditure |
Percent of GDP |
See notes for:
General government total expenditure (National currency).
31.527 |
21.768 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
General government net lending/borrowing |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Revenue projections are made based on the macroeconomic assumptions and revenue buoyancy of various taxes (as measures by elasticity measures and staff's understanding of the authorities' tax policy measures). On the spending side, projections reflect the authorities' projections, with a few deviations to take into account key macroeconomic assumptions (e.g., WEO oil price for subsidies to the electricity company). Monetary projections are based on key assumptions on deposits growth, dollarization and credit to private sector.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. GFSM 2001 has been adopted but should be refined. Budgetary expenditure data are reported on a modified cash basis, corresponding to the issuance of payment orders.
Basis of recording: Mixed. Modified cash basis (only corrects for arrears)
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits;. Information on the size of public assets is not available in case of Lebanon. Net debt is calculated as gross debt minus value of government’s accounts at the central bank.
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
-8,312.000 |
-9,467.007 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
General government net lending/borrowing |
Percent of GDP |
See notes for:
General government net lending/borrowing (National currency).
-10.488 |
-9.900 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
General government structural balance |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Revenue projections are made based on the macroeconomic assumptions and revenue buoyancy of various taxes (as measures by elasticity measures and staff's understanding of the authorities' tax policy measures). On the spending side, projections reflect the authorities' projections, with a few deviations to take into account key macroeconomic assumptions (e.g., WEO oil price for subsidies to the electricity company). Monetary projections are based on key assumptions on deposits growth, dollarization and credit to private sector.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. GFSM 2001 has been adopted but should be refined. Budgetary expenditure data are reported on a modified cash basis, corresponding to the issuance of payment orders.
Basis of recording: Mixed. Modified cash basis (only corrects for arrears)
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits;. Information on the size of public assets is not available in case of Lebanon. Net debt is calculated as gross debt minus value of government’s accounts at the central bank.
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
-12,753.712 |
-9,666.685 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
General government structural balance |
Percent of potential GDP |
See notes for:
General government structural balance (National currency).
-12.617 |
-7.699 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
General government primary net lending/borrowing |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Revenue projections are made based on the macroeconomic assumptions and revenue buoyancy of various taxes (as measures by elasticity measures and staff's understanding of the authorities' tax policy measures). On the spending side, projections reflect the authorities' projections, with a few deviations to take into account key macroeconomic assumptions (e.g., WEO oil price for subsidies to the electricity company). Monetary projections are based on key assumptions on deposits growth, dollarization and credit to private sector.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. GFSM 2001 has been adopted but should be refined. Budgetary expenditure data are reported on a modified cash basis, corresponding to the issuance of payment orders.
Basis of recording: Mixed. Modified cash basis (only corrects for arrears)
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits;. Information on the size of public assets is not available in case of Lebanon. Net debt is calculated as gross debt minus value of government’s accounts at the central bank.
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
-244.209 |
-5,409.211 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
General government primary net lending/borrowing |
Percent of GDP |
See notes for:
General government primary net lending/borrowing (National currency).
-0.308 |
-5.656 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
General government net debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Revenue projections are made based on the macroeconomic assumptions and revenue buoyancy of various taxes (as measures by elasticity measures and staff's understanding of the authorities' tax policy measures). On the spending side, projections reflect the authorities' projections, with a few deviations to take into account key macroeconomic assumptions (e.g., WEO oil price for subsidies to the electricity company). Monetary projections are based on key assumptions on deposits growth, dollarization and credit to private sector.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. GFSM 2001 has been adopted but should be refined. Budgetary expenditure data are reported on a modified cash basis, corresponding to the issuance of payment orders.
Basis of recording: Mixed. Modified cash basis (only corrects for arrears)
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits;. Information on the size of public assets is not available in case of Lebanon. Net debt is calculated as gross debt minus value of government’s accounts at the central bank.
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
133,976.000 |
143,443.007 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
General government net debt |
Percent of GDP |
See notes for:
General government net debt (National currency).
169.050 |
149.999 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
General government gross debt |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Revenue projections are made based on the macroeconomic assumptions and revenue buoyancy of various taxes (as measures by elasticity measures and staff's understanding of the authorities' tax policy measures). On the spending side, projections reflect the authorities' projections, with a few deviations to take into account key macroeconomic assumptions (e.g., WEO oil price for subsidies to the electricity company). Monetary projections are based on key assumptions on deposits growth, dollarization and credit to private sector.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. GFSM 2001 has been adopted but should be refined. Budgetary expenditure data are reported on a modified cash basis, corresponding to the issuance of payment orders.
Basis of recording: Mixed. Modified cash basis (only corrects for arrears)
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits;. Information on the size of public assets is not available in case of Lebanon. Net debt is calculated as gross debt minus value of government’s accounts at the central bank.
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
138,150.000 |
147,617.007 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
General government gross debt |
Percent of GDP |
See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency).
174.317 |
154.364 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices |
National currency |
Billions |
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury
Latest actual data: 2019
Fiscal assumptions: Revenue projections are made based on the macroeconomic assumptions and revenue buoyancy of various taxes (as measures by elasticity measures and staff's understanding of the authorities' tax policy measures). On the spending side, projections reflect the authorities' projections, with a few deviations to take into account key macroeconomic assumptions (e.g., WEO oil price for subsidies to the electricity company). Monetary projections are based on key assumptions on deposits growth, dollarization and credit to private sector.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. GFSM 2001 has been adopted but should be refined. Budgetary expenditure data are reported on a modified cash basis, corresponding to the issuance of payment orders.
Basis of recording: Mixed. Modified cash basis (only corrects for arrears)
General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits;. Information on the size of public assets is not available in case of Lebanon. Net debt is calculated as gross debt minus value of government’s accounts at the central bank.
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
79,252.108 |
95,629.175 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
Current account balance |
U.S. dollars |
Billions |
Source: Central Bank. Also: IMF staff.
Latest actual data: 2019
BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments Manual, fifth edition (BPM5). The authorities are moving to BPM6.
Primary domestic currency: Lebanese pound
Data last updated: 02/2021
-13.934 |
-2.733 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2019 |
Lebanon |
Current account balance |
Percent of GDP |
See notes for:
Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)
Current account balance (U.S. dollars).
-26.504 |
-14.290 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
2018 |