The downloads are presented in Tab Delimited Values format which is compatible with most statistical packages and Excel
Country Group Name | Subject Descriptor | Units | Scale | Country/Series-specific Notes | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 |
European Union | Gross domestic product, current prices | U.S. dollars | Billions | 17,094.168 | 17,199.536 | 18,319.674 | 19,308.734 | 20,237.066 | 21,122.710 | 21,972.561 | |
European Union | Gross domestic product, current prices | Purchasing power parity; international dollars | Billions | 21,706.048 | 23,730.275 | 25,053.276 | 26,215.512 | 27,252.183 | 28,273.813 | 29,311.958 | |
European Union | Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices | Purchasing power parity; 2017 international dollar | Units | 44,374.318 | 45,567.108 | 46,644.667 | 47,580.808 | 48,416.959 | 49,216.998 | 49,988.804 | |
European Union | Gross domestic product per capita, current prices | Purchasing power parity; international dollars | Units | 48,749.645 | 53,201.230 | 56,094.178 | 58,628.520 | 60,881.824 | 63,105.367 | 65,367.104 |