Download World Economic Outlook database: October 2023
The downloads are presented in Tab Delimited Values format which is
compatible with most statistical packages and Excel
Country |
Subject Descriptor |
Units |
Scale |
Country/Series-specific Notes |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
2028 |
Papua New Guinea |
Gross domestic product, current prices |
U.S. dollars |
Billions |
23.848 |
26.312 |
31.533 |
31.692 |
32.890 |
33.152 |
33.408 |
34.441 |
35.590 |
Papua New Guinea |
Gross domestic product, current prices |
Purchasing power parity; international dollars |
Billions |
33.498 |
35.028 |
39.111 |
41.785 |
44.885 |
47.210 |
49.628 |
52.074 |
54.691 |
Papua New Guinea |
Gross domestic product per capita, current prices |
U.S. dollars |
Units |
2,715.968 |
2,233.292 |
2,621.832 |
2,581.179 |
2,624.041 |
2,590.906 |
2,557.595 |
2,582.818 |
2,614.409 |
Papua New Guinea |
Gross domestic product per capita, current prices |
Purchasing power parity; international dollars |
Units |
3,814.959 |
2,973.083 |
3,251.847 |
3,403.237 |
3,581.024 |
3,689.595 |
3,799.289 |
3,905.109 |
4,017.598 |
Country |
Subject Descriptor |
Units |
Scale |
Country/Series-specific Notes |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
2028 |
Estimates Start After |
Papua New Guinea |
Gross domestic product, current prices |
U.S. dollars |
Billions |
See notes for:
Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency).
23.848 |
26.312 |
31.533 |
31.692 |
32.890 |
33.152 |
33.408 |
34.441 |
35.590 |
2020 |
Papua New Guinea |
Gross domestic product, current prices |
Purchasing power parity; international dollars |
Billions |
See notes for:
Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency).
33.498 |
35.028 |
39.111 |
41.785 |
44.885 |
47.210 |
49.628 |
52.074 |
54.691 |
2020 |
Papua New Guinea |
Gross domestic product per capita, current prices |
U.S. dollars |
Units |
See notes for:
Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)
Population (Persons).
2,715.968 |
2,233.292 |
2,621.832 |
2,581.179 |
2,624.041 |
2,590.906 |
2,557.595 |
2,582.818 |
2,614.409 |
2020 |
Papua New Guinea |
Gross domestic product per capita, current prices |
Purchasing power parity; international dollars |
Units |
See notes for:
Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)
Population (Persons).
3,814.959 |
2,973.083 |
3,251.847 |
3,403.237 |
3,581.024 |
3,689.595 |
3,799.289 |
3,905.109 |
4,017.598 |
2020 |
International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database