The IMF-WHO COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker builds on the work of the IMF Staff Discussion Note – A Proposal to End the COVID-19 Pandemic (Agarwal and Gopinath, 2021).

This data is preliminary and will be subject to revisions in collaboration with countries and areas, suppliers, immunization, health and financing partners. This tracker is updated every week to reflect latest developments. For additional information or inquiries, please contact .

Also, see the IMF’s Global Targets and Progress Tracker and the WTO-IMF Vaccine Trade Tracker.

Vaccine Supply Tracker

IMF-WHO COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Tracker

The IMF-WHO COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Tracker is a comprehensive database jointly established by the IMF and WHO to track the number of vaccine doses secured by countries and areas through different channels, including bilateral agreements with manufacturers, donations from other countries, multilateral agreements through the COVAX Facility, WBG, Asian Development Bank (ADB) or other institutions/sources.

For detailed information regarding data compilation methodology, please see the methodology document here.

The data is available here.

COVAX AMC has ~3.5bn doses as available supply. Until recently, this assessment assumed 30% primary course (2 doses) coverage for AMC countries, however COVAX has not announced an explicit target for 2022. In absence of a clear target, as a rule of thumb we have assumed COVAX will cover at least 40% for AMC91 countries, an additional 10% for LICs, and an additional 10% for fragile and conflict states. This would only sum up to ~2.5bn doses. Such a policy would close much of the procurement gap to 70%, while AVAT supply, bilateral deals and MDB financing can fill in the residual gaps.

Detailed country-level data on the procurement gap to 70% by country can be found here.

Delivery Forecasts

The 70% Vaccination Target: About 61% of the World Received 2+ Doses, but About 130 Countries Did Not Meet the 70% Target by Mid-2022

Prior to June 2022, this tab presented vaccine delivery forecasts and an assessment of whether countries were on track to reach the 70% vaccination target by mid-2022. Now, this tab presents vaccination rates by country at end-June 2022.

Contracts & Donations

IMF-WHO COVID-19 Contracts & Donations Delivery Tracker

The IMF-WHO COVID-19 Contracts & Donations Delivery Tracker tracks the delivery of vaccines by contract, COVAX/AVAT supply, allocation and delivery by product, and vaccines donated/pledged by donor country and product.

1. Country-level Contracts by Manufacturer

Downloadable data can be found here.


Page 1

Page 2


Johnson & Johnson

Sputnik V

AstraZeneca - SII

AstraZeneca - Non SII





Source: UNICEF Vaccine Market Dashboard, IMF & WHO Staff calculations. Last Update: 4 August 2022

2. COVAX and AVAT Supply

COVAX and AVAT Deliveries

Sources and Notes: COVAX, UNICEF, Africa CDC, IMF staff calculations. Committed doses are doses that the COVAX facility is required to procure. Support from e US has allowed COVAX to secure 1b Pfizer doses. These include a donation of 700m doses, and the rest 300m doses is treated as non-donations. However, for this presentation all 1b facilitated doses are included in the Pfizer category. The secured supply agreement numbers for SII-AstraZeneca and SII-Novavax are approximated based on COVAX Facility candidate-specific supply information. The dose donations are based on COVAX estimates based on commitments from donors to share doses bilaterally with the COVAX facility.

Last Update: 4 August 2022

COVAX Allocations and Shipments

Page 1

Source: UNICEF Vaccine Market Dashboard, IMF & WHO Staff calculations.

Page 2

Source: UNICEF Vaccine Market Dashboard, IMF & WHO Staff calculations.

Page 3

Source: UNICEF Vaccine Market Dashboard, IMF & WHO Staff calculations.

COVAX Shipments by Manufacturer

Page 1

Source: UNICEF Vaccine Market Dashboard, IMF & WHO Staff calculations.

Page 2

Source: UNICEF Vaccine Market Dashboard, IMF & WHO Staff calculations.

Page 3

Source: UNICEF Vaccine Market Dashboard, IMF & WHO Staff calculations.

AVAT Deliveries

AVAT J&J Doses Delivered (% of population)

Source: UNICEF Vaccine Market Dashboard, IMF & WHO Staff calculations. Country borders or names do not necessarily reflect the IMF’s official position.

AVAT Orders placed

Countries with AVAT orders placed

Notes: Country borders or names do not necessarily reflect the IMF’s official position.

3. Dose Donations

Detailed data can be downloaded here.

Dose donations pledge and delivered

Dose donations pledge and delivered (in millions)

Delivered through direct donation by product

Dose donations delivered through direct donation by product (in millions)

Delivered through COVAX by product

Dose donations delivered through COVAX by product (in millions)

Source: UNICEF, COVAX, government reports, IMF & WHO Staff calculations. Last Update: 7 July 2022

Notes: The US Pfizer doses only includes 40% of the initial 500m contract as donations. Confirmed supply is from GAVI’s Donation Table.

4. Delivery Schedule for Dose Donations

Below, we present the delivery schedules for dose donations as submitted by countries. Data can be downloaded here.











United Kingdom

United States

Source: UNICEF, COVAX, government reports, IMF & WHO Staff calculations. Last Update: 7 July 2022

Notes: The US Pfizer doses only includes 40% of the initial 500m contract as donations. Confirmed supply is from GAVI’s Donation Table.

Country Readiness & Risks

COVID-19 Country Readiness and Risks Tracker

The COVID-19 Country Readiness and Risks Tracker monitors the risks in COVAX allocation & supply and country absorption capacity.

1. Cross-Country Distribution of COVAX AMC Allocation

Data can be found here.

Allocated Coverage

The figure presents courses allocated by COVAX to AMC countries as a fraction of population. The figure also includes an indicative measure of countries with possible absorption capacity issues in red, which is defined as those with % of population vaccinated with at least one dose less than 30% and COVAX allocation as % of population less than median.

Notes: 1. Cost sharing and SFP allocations excluded; 2. The list includes 87 of the 92 AMC countries. Two countries are not vaccinating, and two AMC are covered through other mechanisms (Micronesia and Marshall Islands). And owing to its size, India has a reduced access as per the December 2020 Board decision; 3. The AMC equal allocation calculation represents the coverage the AMC countries would receive if they total AMC doses were allocated equally across the countries (that is total courses allocated less cost sharing and SFP allocations divided by population of the AMC countries represented here); 4. A course equals one dose of J&J or two doses of all other vaccines for comparability.

Source: UNICEF, COVAX, OWID, IMF Staff calculations. Last Update: 4 August 2022

Gap to Equal Allocated Coverage

The figure presents the gap to equal allocated coverage by COVAX to AMC countries in courses as a fraction of population. The figure also includes an indicative measure of countries with possible absorption capacity issues in red, which is defined as those with % of population vaccinated with at least one dose less than 30% and COVAX allocation as % of population less than median.

Notes: 1. Cost sharing and SFP allocations excluded; 2. The list includes 87 of the 92 AMC countries. Two countries are not vaccinating, and two AMC are covered through other mechanisms (Micronesia and Marshall Islands). And owing to its size, India has a reduced access as per the December 2020 Board decision; 3. The AMC equal allocation calculation represents the coverage the AMC countries would receive if they total AMC doses were allocated equally across the countries (that is total courses allocated less cost sharing and SFP allocations divided by population of the AMC countries represented here); 4. A course equals one dose of J&J or two doses of all other vaccines for comparability.

Source: UNICEF, COVAX, OWID, IMF Staff calculations. Last Update: 4 August 2022

Delivery Coverage

Notes: The list includes 88 AMC91 countries who have been allocated doses from COVAX. Two countries are not vaccinating, and the Marshall Islands is covered through other mechanisms. Owing to its size, India has a reduced access as per the December 2020 Board decision. A course equals one dose of J&J or two doses of all other vaccines for comparability. The AMC equal delivery calculation represents the coverage the AMC countries would have received if the total AMC doses were delivered equally across the countries (that is total courses delivered divided by population of the AMC countries represented here). Source: IMF staff calculations based on UNICEF and COVAX.

2. Possible Absorptive Capacity Issues

Comparison of product utilization against 4-week daily vaccination rate across AMC participants, layered with percentage of total population fully vaccinated.

Sources: COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership data | Notes: Two AMC participants are not vaccinating: 1). Eritrea, 2). DPR Korea; two are not reflected in the UNICEF Market Dashboard: 1) Marshall Islands, 2) Micronesia. Date Updated: 4 August 2022

3. Framework to Track the AMC Supply Gap

Framework to Track the Supply Gap for AMC Countries and Monitor Risks

Notes: J&J volumes have been doubled. If J&J volumes are not doubled, there would still be excess supply with the supply gap being -590mn doses under the baseline. In addition, due to absorption capacity constraints, a large number of AMC countries are not on track to vaccinate 70% of their populations which creates additional excess supply. Last updated: 8 Mar 2022

4. Administered Doses as a Percent of Delivered Doses by Country

Subnational Vaccination

IMF-WHO Subnational COVID-19 Vaccination Dashboard

The IMF-WHO Subnational COVID-19 Vaccination Dashboard tracks vaccination rates within countries by region and gender.

For detailed information regarding data compilation, please see the methodology document here and data here.

0. Vaccination Rates by Country

First Dose Coverage

Primary Series Coverage

Booster Coverage

Table by region

Last Update: 4 August 2022

1. Vaccination Rates by District/Region


At Least One Vaccination Dose (% of total population)

Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)


At Least One Vaccination Dose (% of total population)

Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)


At Least One Vaccination Dose (% of total population)

Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)

Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)


At Least One Vaccination Dose (% of total population)

Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)


At Least One Vaccination Dose (% of total population)

Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)

Share of People Who are Fully Vaccinated (% of population)


At Least One Vaccination Dose (% of total population)

Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)


At Least One Vaccination Dose (% of total population)

Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)

New Zealand

At Least One Vaccination Dose (% of total population)

Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)

South Africa

At Least One Vaccination Dose (% of total population)

Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)

South Korea

At Least One Vaccination Dose (% of total population)

Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)


Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)

United Kingdom

At Least One Vaccination Dose (% of total population)

Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)

United States

At Least One Vaccination Dose (% of total population)

Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)

2. The World: Gender Gaps in Vaccination Rates

% People Who received At Least One Dose

3. Vaccination Rates by Region and Gender


Total Doses Administered (per 100 people)


% People Who received At Least One Dose

South Africa

% People Who received At Least One Dose

United Kingdom

% People Who received At Least One Dose

4. Vaccination Rates by Gender


At Least One Vaccination Dose (% of total population)

Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)

South Africa

At Least One Vaccination Dose (% of total population)

United Kingdom

At Least One Vaccination Dose (% of total population)

Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)

United States

At Least One Vaccination Dose (% of total population)

Fully Vaccinated (% of total population)


The IMF and WHO accept no responsibility whatsoever for any inaccurate or incomplete information or data that may be included in this database, and expressly disclaims any liability for damages as a result of its use. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the content lies with the user. The IMF and WHO assume no responsibility or liability for any consequence resulting directly or indirectly from any action or inaction users take based on or made in reliance on the information and data available in this database.

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this IMF-WHO COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker follow exclusively the institutional style and practice of the IMF, may be at variance with those used by WHO and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of WHO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted and dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement.