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DATE: October 8, 2015

DAY: Thursday

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

LOCATION: National Theatre

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During the last 15 years, Latin America has made significant progress in social inclusion. Good jobs have been created in economies that enjoyed the tailwinds of a strong commodity boom. This created new opportunities, lifted millions out of poverty, and also reduced inequality of income.. As we look into the next decade, a less benign external environment, marked in particular by the end of the commodities boom, raises the challenge of developing new opportunities for social development while improving the effectiveness of social inclusion policies in an environment of scarce budget resources. The region will need to build on the success in pioneering new approaches to the design of social safety nets, including leveraging transfers in order to increase household demand for, and access to, education and health services, and enhancing access to financial services and participation in formal labor markets, particularly by women.

Growth and Inclusion in Latin America the Next Decade

Growth and Inclusion in Latin America the Next Decade


Moderator: Monica Delta

Mónica Delta is a TV and radio program host in Peru. Since 2011, she co-hosted (with Aldo Mariátegui ) Peru’s Sunday television program Sin Medias Tintas (“To the Point”). Since 2010, she hosted the television newscast “90 seconds.” She published her autobiographical book “Minutes before eight o'clock” in 2009 after spending almost six years in the United States. Since 2003, she hosted various radio shows broadcasted in Japan and Peru. She graduated in communications from University of Lima, Peru and from the University of New Mexico in the U.S.

Panelist: Alicia Bárcena

Alicia Bárcena is the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) since July 2008. She was previously Chief of Staff of former Secretary General Kofi Annan and Deputy Executive Secretary and Director of ECLAC’s Environment and Human Settlements Division. As Executive Secretary of CEPAL, she helped increase inter-agency collaboration to provide a regional perspective to Millennium Development Goals and Financing for Sustainable Development, focusing on inequality, poverty, economic development and sustainability, and the role fiscal policies in addressing extreme poverty.

Panelist: Mitsuhiro Furusawa

Mitsuhiro Furusawa was appointed Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund on March 2, 2015. Previously, Mr. Furusawa was Special Advisor to the Prime Minister and to the Minister of Finance in Japan. Mr. Furusawa served as Executive Director for Japan at the International Monetary Fund from 2010 to 2012. He has served as Vice Minister for International Affairs at the Finance Ministry, and held various diplomatic positions. Mr. Furusawa studied Law at the University of Tokyo, and is also a graduate of France's Ecole Nationale d'Administration.

Panelist: Santiago Levy

Santiago Levy is the Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Prior to his work at the IDB, he served as General Director at the Mexico Social Security Institute as well as Deputy Minister of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico (1994-2000). Mr. Levy holds an M.A. in Political Economy and a Ph.D. in Economics from Boston University. He was also a post-doctoral fellow at Cambridge. Mr. Levy is Mexican.

Panelist: Alonso Segura

Alonso Segura Vasi is Minister of Economy and Finance of Peru. He held various senior positions in the Ministry of Finance and the Peruvian banking sector, including in the Development Finance Corporation, Peru’s development bank. Mr. Segura has served in both the staff and the Board of the International Monetary Fund. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania.

Panelist: Richard Webb

Richard Webb is the Director of Peru Institute, University of San Martin de Porres since May 2004 and was the former Governor of the Central Bank of Peru from 2001 to 2003. Dr. Webb is a pioneer in the analysis of poverty and the distribution of income in the Peru. He was a professor at Princeton University, the University of Toronto, and the Pontifical Catholic University, where he was head of the Department of Economics. He holds a PhD in economics from Harvard University and master's degree in economics and geography from St. Andrews University (United Kingdom).