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Title: "Original Sin," Balance Sheet Crises, and the Roles of International Lending
Author/Editor: Zettelmeyer, Jeromin ; Jeanne, Olivier
Series: Working Paper No. 02/234
Subject(s): Financial crisis | Loans | Exchange rate regimes | Dollarization

Title: Obstacles to Disinflation: What is the Role of Fiscal Expectations?
Author/Editor: Celasun, Oya ; Gelos, Gaston ; Prati, Alessandro
Series: Working Paper No. 04/111
Subject(s): Disinflation | Economic stabilization | Inflation targeting | Emerging markets | Fiscal management | Public finance | Economic models

Title: Obstacles to International Policy Coordination, and How to Overcome Them
Author/Editor: Jonathan David Ostry ; Atish R. Ghosh
Series: Staff Discussion Notes No. 13/11
Subject(s): Economic policy | International cooperation | Welfare

Title: Obstacles to Transforming Centrally-Planned Economies - The Role of Capital Markets
Author/Editor: Calvo, Guillermo ; Frenkel, Jacob A.
Series: Working Paper No. 91/66
Subject(s): Centrally planned economies | Capital markets | Debt | Pricing reforms | Trade liberalization | Privatization

Title: Obtstacles to Faster Growth in Transition Economies: The Mongolian Case
Author/Editor: Black, Stabley W.
Series: Working Paper No. 01/37
Subject(s): Transition economies | Economic growth | Mongolia | Capital | Labor | Privatization | Economic models

Title: Of Openess and Distance: Trade Developments in the Commonwealth of Independent States, 1993-2002
Author/Editor: Elborgh-Woytek, Katrin
Series: Working Paper No. 03/207
Subject(s): Trade | Development | Armenia | Azerbaijan | Georgia | Kyrgyz Republic | Moldova | Tajikistan | Uzbekistan

Title: Of Runes and Sagas: Perspectives on Liquidity Stress Testing Using an Iceland Example
Author/Editor: Cihák, Martin ; Ong, Li
Series: Working Paper No. 10/156
Subject(s): Liquidity | External shocks | Iceland | Stress testing

Title: Official Demand for U.S. Debt: Implications for U.S. Real Interest Rates
Author/Editor: Iryna Kaminska ; Gabriele Zinna
Series: Working Paper No. 14/66
Subject(s): Bonds | United States | Demand | Interest rates | Foreign investment | Bond markets | Economic models

Title: Official Dollarization As a Monetary Regime : Its Effectson El Salvador
Author/Editor: Andrew Swiston
Series: Working Paper No. 11/129
Subject(s): Commercial banks | Currency pegs | Dollarization | Economic models | Interest rates

Title: Official Financial Flows, Capital Mobility, and Global Imbalances
Author/Editor: Tamim Bayoumi ; Joseph E. Gagnon ; Christian Saborowski
Series: Working Paper No. 14/199
Subject(s): Capital flows | Foreign exchange reserves | Current account balances | Foreign exchange intervention | Cross country analysis | Regression analysis

Title: Official Financing for Developing Countries
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Policy Development and Review Dept.
Series: World Economic and Financial Surveys
Subject(s): Development financing | External debt | Debt restructuring | Debt rescheduling | Multilateral development institutions | Development assistance | Developing countries

Title: Official Financing for Developing Countries
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Policy Development and Review Dept.
Series: World Economic and Financial Surveys
Subject(s): Developing countries | Financial systems

Title: Official Financing: Recent Developments and Selected Issues
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Research Dept.
Series: World Economic and Financial Surveys
Subject(s): External debt

Title: Official Foreign Exchange Intervention
Author/Editor: Jorge Iván Canales Kriljenko ; Cem Karacadag ; Roberto Pereira Guimarães ; Shogo Ishii
Series: Occasional Paper No. 249

Title: Official Intervention in the Foreign Exchange Market: Elements of Best Practice
Author/Editor: Canales Kriljenko, Jorge Iván ; Guimarães, Roberto Pereira ; Karacadag, Cem
Series: Working Paper No. 03/152
Subject(s): Foreign exchange | Intervention | Exchange rate policy

Title: Officially Supported Export Credits in a Changing World
Author/Editor: Wang, Jian-Ye ; Mansilla, Mario ; Kikuchi, Yo ; Choudhury, Siddhartha
Series: World Economic and Financial Surveys
Subject(s): Export credits

Title: Officially Supported Export Credits: Developments and Prospects
Author/Editor: Jarvis, Christopher J. ; Kuhn, Michael G. ; Horváth, Balázs
Series: World Economic and Financial Surveys
Subject(s): Export credits

Title: Offshore Banking-An Analysis of Micro- and Macro-Prudential Issues
Author/Editor: Musalem Borrero, Alberto ; Errico, Luca
Series: Working Paper No. 99/5
Subject(s): Offshore financial centers | Capital flows | Financial crisis | Bank supervision

Title: An Oil and Gas Model
Author/Editor: Krichene, Noureddine
Series: Working Paper No. 07/135
Subject(s): Oil | Natural gas | Demand | Interest rates | Monetary policy | Exchange rates | Oil prices | Economic models

Title: Oil and Growth in the Republic of Congo
Author/Editor: Bhattacharya, Rina ; Ghura, Dhaneshwar
Series: Working Paper No. 06/185
Subject(s): Oil | Congo, Republic of | Economic growth | Real effective exchange rates