IMF Working Papers by Title

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Title: IMF Estimates of Potential Output: Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: De Masi, Paula
Series: Working Paper No. 97/177
Date: December 01, 1997
Subject(s): Production | Developed countries | Developing countries | Transition economies
Title: The IMF Monetary Model at Forty
Author/Editor: Polak, J. J.
Series: Working Paper No. 97/49
Date: April 01, 1997
Subject(s): Monetary policy | Fund | Balance of payments | Demand for money | Economic models
Title: The Impact of Trade Prices on Employment and Wages in the United States
Author/Editor: Hakura, Dalia
Series: Working Paper No. 97/116
Date: September 01, 1997
Subject(s): Trade | United States | Employment | Wages
Title: Implications for Savings of Aging in the Asian "Tigers"
Author/Editor: Heller, Peter S. ; Symansky, Steven A.
Series: Working Paper No. 97/136
Date: October 01, 1997
Subject(s): Savings | Asia | Aging
Title: Improving India's Saving Performance
Author/Editor: Mühleisen, Martin
Series: Working Paper No. 97/4
Date: January 01, 1997
Subject(s): Savings | India | Private savings
Title: Income Distribution and Social Expenditure in Brazil
Author/Editor: Clements, Benedict J.
Series: Working Paper No. 97/120
Date: September 01, 1997
Subject(s): Income distribution | Brazil | Government expenditures | Social policy
Title: The Indonesian Financial System - Its Contribution to Economic Performance, and Key Policy Issues
Author/Editor: Montogomery, Jonh D.
Series: Working Paper No. 97/45
Date: April 01, 1997
Subject(s): Financial systems | Indonesia | Banking | Stock markets
Title: Inflation in Transition Economies: How Much? and Why?
Author/Editor: Ghosh, Atish R.
Series: Working Paper No. 97/80
Date: July 01, 1997
Subject(s): Inflation | Transition economies | Economic growth | Economic models
Title: Inflation Targeting in Practice
Author/Editor: Debelle, Guy
Series: Working Paper No. 97/35
Date: March 01, 1997
Subject(s): Inflation targeting | Monetary policy
Title: Informational Efficiency, Interest Rate Variability, and Central Bank Operations
Author/Editor: Hardy, Daniel C. L.
Series: Working Paper No. 97/26
Date: March 01, 1997
Subject(s): Interest rates | Central bank policy | Monetary policy | Capital markets | Economic models
Title: Institutional Development - Skill Transference Through a Reversal of "Human Capital Flight" or Technical Assistance
Author/Editor: Ul Haque, Nadeem ; Khan, Ali
Series: Working Paper No. 97/89
Date: July 01, 1997
Subject(s): Human capital | Technical assistance | Wages | Economic models
Title: The Insurance Role of Social Security - Theory and Lessons for Policy Reform
Author/Editor: Valdivia, Victor Hugo
Series: Working Paper No. 97/113
Date: September 01, 1997
Subject(s): Social security | United States | Public finance
Title: International Currencies and Endogenous Enforcement - An Empirical Analysis
Author/Editor: Prem, Roohi
Series: Working Paper No. 97/29
Date: March 01, 1997
Subject(s): Currencies | Economic models
Title: International Evidence on the Determinants of Trade Dynamics
Author/Editor: Prasad, Eswar ; Gable, Jeffery A.
Series: Working Paper No. 97/172
Date: December 01, 1997
Subject(s): Balance of trade | Business cycles | Exchange rates | Developed countries | Economic models
Title: International Labor Standards and International Trade
Author/Editor: Golub, Stephen S.
Series: Working Paper No. 97/37
Date: April 01, 1997
Subject(s): International Trade | Labor policy | World Trade Organization
Title: Intra-Industry Trade of Arab Countries: An Indicator of Potential Competitiveness
Author/Editor: Havrylyshyn, Oli ; Kunzel, Peter
Series: Working Paper No. 97/47
Date: April 01, 1997
Subject(s): Trade liberalization | Middle east | Economic models
Title: Investing U.S. Social Security Trust Fund Assets in Private Securities
Author/Editor: Leidy, Michael P.
Series: Working Paper No. 97/112
Date: September 01, 1997
Subject(s): Investment | United States | Social security | Economic models
Title: Investment Implications of Selected WTO Agreements and the Proposed Multilateral Agreement on Investment
Author/Editor: Vocke, Matthias
Series: Working Paper No. 97/60
Date: May 01, 1997
Subject(s): World Trade Organization | Foreign investment
Title: Investment, Uncertainty, and Irreversibility in Ghana
Author/Editor: Pattillo, Catherine A.
Series: Working Paper No. 97/169
Date: December 01, 1997
Subject(s): Investment | Ghana | Economic models
Title: Is the Exchange Rate a Shock Absorber? The Case of Sweden
Author/Editor: Thomas, Alun H.
Series: Working Paper No. 97/176
Date: December 01, 1997
Subject(s): Exchange rates | Sweden | Economic models