IMF Working Papers by Title

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Title: Tax Effort in Sub-Saharan Africa
Author/Editor: Stotsky, Janet Gale ; WoldeMariam, Asegedech
Series: Working Paper No. 97/107
Date: September 01, 1997
Subject(s): Taxation | Sub-Saharan Africa
Title: The Tax Treatment of Government Bonds
Author/Editor: Norregaard, John
Series: Working Paper No. 97/25
Date: March 01, 1997
Subject(s): Taxation | Bonds
Title: Time-Series of Structural Import Demand Equations - A Cross-Country Analysis
Author/Editor: Senhadji Semlali, A.
Series: Working Paper No. 97/132
Date: October 01, 1997
Subject(s): Imports | Demand | Income | Price elasticity | Economic models
Title: Towards a Market Economy: Structures of Governance
Author/Editor: Dhonte, Pierre ; Kapur, Ishan
Series: Working Paper No. 97/11
Date: January 01, 1997
Subject(s): Governance | Markets | Economic growth | Economic policy
Title: Towards a System of Multilateral Unit Labor Cost-Based Competitiveness Indicators for Advanced, Developing, and Transition Countries
Author/Editor: Turner, Anthony G. ; Golub, Stephen S.
Series: Working Paper No. 97/151
Date: November 01, 1997
Subject(s): Real effective exchange rates | Labor costs
Title: Transparency and Ambiguity in Central Bank Safety Net Operations
Author/Editor: Enoch, Charles
Series: Working Paper No. 97/138
Date: October 01, 1997
Subject(s): Central banks | Social safety nets