IMF Working Papers by Author

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Title: Cross-country Consumption Risk Sharing, a Long-run Perspective
Author/Editor: Qiao, Zhaogang
Series: Working Paper No. 10/64
Date: March 01, 2010
Subject(s): Consumption | Cross country analysis | Economic integration | Economic models | Emerging markets | Financial risk | OECD | Time series
Author's Keyword(s): Consumption risk sharing | Intertemporal smoothing | Nonstationary panel analysis | Cointegration
Title: Mother, Can I trust the Government?Sustained Financial Deepening - A Political InstitutionsView
Author/Editor: Quintyn, Marc ; Verdier, Geneviève
Series: Working Paper No. 10/210
Date: September 01, 2010
Subject(s): Credit expansion | Cross country analysis | Development | Economic growth | Financial systems | Governance | Political economy | Private sector
Title: The Empirics of Exchange Rate Regimes and Trade: Words vs. Deeds
Author/Editor: Qureshi, Mahvash Saeed ; Tsangarides, Charalambos G.
Series: Working Paper No. 10/48
Date: February 01, 2010
Subject(s): Bilateral trade | Currency pegs | Economic models | Exchange rate regimes | Exchange rate variability | International trade | Monetary unions
Author's Keyword(s): exchange rate regimes | exchange rate volatility | international trade