IMF Working Papers by Author

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Title: Improving Governance and Fighting Corruption in the Baltic and CIS Countries - The Role of the IMF
Author/Editor: Wolf, Thomas A. ; Gürgen, Emine
Series: Working Paper No. 00/1
Date: January 01, 2000
Subject(s): Governance | Former Soviet Union | Baltics | Corruption | Fund role
Title: Two Approaches to Resolving Nonperforming Assets During Financial Crises
Author/Editor: Woo, D.
Series: Working Paper No. 00/33
Date: February 01, 2000
Subject(s): Financial crisis | Asia | Debt
Title: Monetary and Fiscal Coordination in Small Open Economies
Author/Editor: Worrell, DeLisle
Series: Working Paper No. 00/56
Date: March 01, 2000
Subject(s): Monetary policy | Fiscal policy | Central bank role