IMF Working Papers by Author

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Title: Measuring U.S. Core Inflation: The Stress Test of COVID-19
Author/Editor: Laurence M. Ball,Daniel Leigh,Prachi Mishra,Antonio Spilimbergo
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/291
Date: December 17, 2021
Title: U.S. Healthcare: A Story of Rising Market Power, Barriers to Entry, and Supply Constraints
Author/Editor: Li Lin,Mico Mrkaic,Anke Weber
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/180
Date: July 06, 2021
Title: Corporate Sector Resilience in India in the Wake of the COVID-19 Shock
Author/Editor: Lucyna Gornicka,Sumiko Ogawa,TengTeng Xu
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/278
Date: November 19, 2021
Title: The Fiscal Multiplier of European Structural Investment Funds: Aggregate and Sectoral Effects with an Application to Slovenia
Author/Editor: Luigi Durand,Raphael A Espinoza
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/118
Date: April 30, 2021
Title: External Financing Risks: How Important is the Composition of the International Investment Position?
Author/Editor: Luis M. Cubeddu,Swarnali A Hannan,Pau Rabanal
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/020
Date: January 29, 2021
Title: Energy Transition Metals
Author/Editor: Lukas Boer,Andrea Pescatori,Martin Stuermer
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/243
Date: October 12, 2021