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Katherine Baer


Ms. Baer is Chief of the Revenue Administration Division II in the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department, which provides technical assistance in tax and customs administration to more than 80 IMF member countries in the Western Hemisphere and Sub-Saharan Africa. The division also oversees technical assistance provided out of seven IMF Regional Technical Assistance Centers. During her career at the IMF she has also helped design and implement tax and customs reforms in Asia, Europe, and the former Soviet Union, including in crisis countries. She has been a Financial Economist in the U.S. Treasury, where she worked on tax policy reforms and tax compliance measures for the U.S. Budget. She was head of research in the Mexican Tax Administration, where she directed the tax gap studies and helped design and implement a major customs reform program. Ms. Baer has a number of publications in the field of tax administration and holds a Ph.D. from Cornell University.

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