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Tigran Poghosyan

Tigran Poghosyan is Senior Economist at IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department, where he covers fiscal issues in the euro area, and serves as an assistant to the Director. He also covered Ireland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Jordan, and Yemen in his previous assignments at the IMF, and was a principal contributor to various issues of the IMF Fiscal Monitor from 2012 to 2016. Prior to the IMF, he worked at the Central Bank of Armenia and was a visiting researcher at the Deutsche Bundesbank. His work on banking, international finance, asset pricing, and public finance has featured in IMF research and policy publications, books, and peer-reviewed journals, including Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Journal of Banking and Finance, Economics of Transition, Empirical Economics. He holds two PhDs in Economics; from CERGE-EI and the University of Groningen.