International Monetary Fund

Currency units per SDR for September 2024

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This rate, which is not used in Fund transactions, is the reciprocal of the SDR per currency unit rate, rounded to six significant digits.

Currency units per SDR for September 2024
Currency September 03,
September 04,
September 05,
September 06,
September 09,
September 10,
September 11,
September 12,
September 13,
September 16,
September 17,
Chinese yuan 9.557760 9.561510 9.572310 9.559500 9.563430 9.577350 9.578640 9.576620 9.575700 NA NA
Euro 1.217120 1.216670 1.214850 1.215170 1.217580 1.219340 1.219340 1.220260 1.217670 1.214790 1.213510
Japanese yen 197.569000 195.277000 193.791000 191.992000 191.925000 192.988000 189.859000 191.904000 190.926000 NA 190.189000
U.K. pound 1.024050 1.025220 1.023970 1.024570 1.027920 1.026800 1.028780 1.029950 1.027920 1.024420 1.023110
U.S. dollar 1.343090 1.344420 1.348110 1.349210 1.344570 1.345060 1.346520 1.344240 1.349300 1.351570 1.351730
Algerian dinar 178.942000 178.788000 178.800000 178.551000 178.044000 178.233000 178.294000 178.252000 178.399000 178.725000 178.800000
Australian dollar 1.992420 2.005400 2.005230 2.006550 2.016460 2.017180 2.022110 2.008430 2.007290 2.009170 2.003160
Botswana pula 17.955800 17.997600 17.950900 17.894000 17.951600 17.958000 17.953600 17.971200 17.942900 17.925400 17.880000
Brazilian real 7.550590 7.576220 7.555210 7.514560 7.541880 7.565670 7.591800 7.601440 7.517100 7.460790 7.435050
Brunei dollar 1.757840 1.757290 1.756460 1.753160 1.751440 1.756240 1.753710 1.752890 1.752610 1.750830 1.750360
Canadian dollar 1.819620 1.818330 1.821840 1.827500 1.823380 1.829140 1.829790 1.826960 1.833160 1.837190 1.837810
Chilean peso 1,229.120000 1,245.230000 1,264.340000 1,270.330000 1,268.170000 1,272.720000 1,277.650000 1,268.210000 1,259.670000 1,251.030000 1,248.150000
Czech koruna 30.503000 30.529100 30.381100 30.413800 30.497700 30.540800 30.598400 30.643400 30.604900 30.532000 30.481600
Danish krone 9.079190 9.076960 9.064050 9.067580 9.085130 9.099020 9.099260 9.105640 9.087190 9.064870 9.055350
Indian rupee 112.756000 112.889000 113.218000 113.240000 112.867000 112.951000 113.041000 112.895000 113.231000 NA 113.316000
Israeli New Shekel 4.930500 5.003930 4.978590 4.997450 5.044850 5.061450 5.073700 5.044950 5.001880 5.057580 5.062240
Korean won 1,798.130000 1,802.870000 1,809.170000 1,802.270000 1,788.820000 1,801.700000 1,810.130000 1,801.690000 1,807.530000 NA NA
Kuwaiti dinar 0.409777 0.410182 0.411108 NA 0.409893 0.410309 0.410622 0.410263 NA 0.412026 0.412075
Malaysian ringgit 5.881420 5.844880 NA 5.845420 5.845530 5.864450 5.839860 5.825270 5.825600 NA 5.786770
Mauritian rupee 62.905300 62.790000 62.447300 62.326700 62.243600 62.082500 62.390000 62.457500 62.326300 62.616600 62.177100
Mexican peso 26.638300 26.681400 26.966000 27.007300 26.729900 26.979500 26.713600 26.332000 25.971800 NA 26.043800
New Zealand dollar 2.157930 2.176320 2.175780 2.168970 2.174280 2.191180 2.189820 2.192000 2.183160 2.195710 2.183380
Norwegian krone NA 14.362900 14.322400 14.340800 14.538500 14.512600 14.555300 14.562600 14.428800 14.310200 14.305500
Omani rial 0.516420 0.516929 0.518350 NA 0.516988 0.517173 0.517738 0.516863 NA NA 0.519740
Peruvian sol 5.064800 5.099390 5.108010 5.098660 5.112080 5.130050 5.097930 5.062420 5.077430 5.107590 5.098740
Philippine peso NA 76.142900 76.257300 76.058900 75.245100 75.719700 76.060700 75.455200 75.653800 75.708300 75.545800
Polish zloty 5.197910 5.208030 5.188500 5.192940 5.211290 5.218550 5.226650 5.245900 5.216270 5.195180 5.184440
Qatari riyal 4.888850 4.893680 4.907130 NA 4.894260 4.896010 4.901340 4.893040 NA 4.919730 4.920290
Russian ruble NA 119.558000 120.932000 121.189000 121.530000 122.552000 122.891000 122.474000 122.698000 123.185000 123.588000
Saudi Arabian riyal 5.036590 5.041590 5.055430 NA 5.042150 5.043960 5.049460 5.040910 NA 5.068400 5.068990
Singapore dollar 1.757840 1.757290 1.756460 1.753160 1.751440 1.756240 1.753710 1.752890 1.752610 1.750830 1.750360
South African rand 24.018400 24.120700 23.946100 23.896100 24.115700 24.112900 24.051500 24.161000 23.958800 23.854400 23.847100
Swedish krona 13.841100 13.883500 13.848600 13.816300 13.947400 13.943800 13.943200 13.928100 13.837000 13.750800 13.742400
Swiss franc 1.144250 1.142760 1.140910 1.136370 1.141280 1.139930 1.139560 1.148120 1.144750 1.141810 1.141810
Thai baht 46.010400 46.023600 45.590500 45.256400 45.487000 45.532800 45.257900 45.358900 44.957400 44.872200 44.978800
Trinidadian dollar 9.084550 9.046250 9.118760 9.121420 9.044130 9.059450 9.066270 9.078120 9.104810 9.135260 9.149210
U.A.E. dirham NA 4.937390 4.950960 NA 4.937950 4.939710 4.945080 4.936740 NA NA 4.964230
Uruguayan peso 54.170900 54.270300 54.373500 54.435100 54.305900 54.390100 55.243700 55.209300 55.007000 55.355000 55.506200

Currency units per SDR for September 2024 (Continued)
Currency September 18,
Chinese yuan 9.580290
Euro 1.214580
Japanese yen 191.289000
U.K. pound 1.022670
U.S. dollar 1.351100
Algerian dinar 178.702000
Australian dollar 1.998380
Botswana pula 17.871700
Brazilian real 7.398750
Brunei dollar 1.748460
Canadian dollar 1.836150
Chilean peso NA
Czech koruna 30.449800
Danish krone 9.062400
Indian rupee NA
Israeli New Shekel 5.097720
Korean won NA
Kuwaiti dinar 0.411884
Malaysian ringgit 5.732730
Mauritian rupee 62.284700
Mexican peso 26.080700
New Zealand dollar 2.177270
Norwegian krone 14.302100
Omani rial 0.519499
Peruvian sol 5.076090
Philippine peso 75.343200
Polish zloty 5.182560
Qatari riyal 4.918020
Russian ruble 123.857000
Saudi Arabian riyal 5.066630
Singapore dollar 1.748460
South African rand 23.715600
Swedish krona 13.753900
Swiss franc 1.138910
Thai baht 45.039000
Trinidadian dollar 9.156000
U.A.E. dirham 4.961920
Uruguayan peso 55.810100
The value of the U.S. dollar in terms of the SDR is the reciprocal of the sum of the dollar values, based on market exchange rates, of specified quantities of the SDR basket currencies. See SDR Valuation.
These rates are the official rates used by the Fund to conduct operations with member countries. The rates are derived from the currency's representative exchange rate, as reported by the central bank, normally against the U.S. dollar at spot market rates and rounded to six significant digits. See Representative Exchange Rates for Selected Currencies.
The value in terms of each national currency of the SDR (shown above) is the reciprocal of the value in terms of the SDR of each national currency, rounded to six significant digits.
Exchange rates are published daily except on IMF holidays, or whenever the IMF is closed for business, or on an ad-hoc basis to facilitate unscheduled IMF operations.
The International Monetary Fund makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding these tables or the performance of this site. The IMF shall not be liable for any losses or damages incurred in connection with this site.