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Regional Coordination Centre for Research and Development
of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tuber Crops in the
Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP CGPRT Centre)


Jalan Merdeka No. 145                                Telephone:  [62](251)35-6813
Bogor 16111                                                      [62](251)34-3277
Indonesia                                            Facsimile:  [62](251)33-6290

                    Director:           ...          H. INAGAKI

The Regional Coordination Centre for Research and Development of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tuber Crops in the Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific (CGPRT) was established by ESCAP in April 1981, in pursuance of its Resolution 174 (XXXIII), as a subsidiary body of ESCAP.

The objective of the Centre is to provide members and associate members of ESCAP with expert technical services and facilities required for the development of production, utilization and trade of these crops, by strengthening national research and development activities as a means of solving food problems, increasing employment opportunities, achieving better income distribution and a balanced diet, as well as accelerating close linkages with livestock and other industries.

UPDATED:  December 2003

Directory of Economic, Commodity and Development Organizations - table of contents