Nicolás Eyzaguirre is former Director of the IMF’s Western Hemisphere Department. He resigned in July 2012. He was previously Professor of Economics at the University of Chile. From 2000 to 2006 he was Chile’s Finance Minister. He was an IMF Executive Director between 1998 and 2000, having held several senior positions at the Central Bank of Chile in the period 1990–97.
Spanish versions of his posts are on Diálogo a Fondo, the Fund's Spanish-language blog.
Latest posts:
- Bridging the Gap: How Official Financing Can Ease the Pain of Adjustment
- Spring Is in the Air in Parts of Latin America
- “Macro…, what?!” The New Buzz on Financial Stability
- Latin America: Making the Good Times Last
- The Impact of the Gloomier Global Outlook on Latin America
- Latin America: What's Ahead in 2012?
- Tailwinds or Headwinds? Adjusting the Economic Sails in Latin America
- Quo Vadis México?
- Does Cheap Foreign Money Bring Risks for Latin America?
- Latin America and the Caribbean: Finding Space for Countercyclical Fiscal Policy
- The Commodity Connection: Rising Commodity Prices and the Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Why Did Latin America Do Better in This Crisis? The Benefits of Being Prepared
- Latin America and the Caribbean During the Global Crisis: Better than the Past, Better than Other Regions