IMF Publications by Subject

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Title: Haiti:Selected Issues
lblSeries:Country Report No. 2020/122
Title: Getting to Know GMMET: The Global Macroeconomic Model for the Energy Transition
Author/Editor:Benjamin Carton,Christopher Evans,Dirk V Muir,Simon Voigts
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 2023/269
Title: Balancing Environmental, Fiscal, and Welfare Impacts of Transportation Decarbonization in France
Author/Editor:Nate Vernon
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 2024/145
Title: People’s Republic of China: Selected Issues
lblSeries:Country Report No. 2024/276
Title: Highways to Heaven : Infrastructure Determinants and Trends in Latin America and the Caribbean
Author/Editor:Valerie Cerra ; Alfredo Cuevas ; Carlos Góes ; Izabela Karpowicz ; Troy D Matheson ; Issouf Samaké ; Svetlana Vtyurina
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 16/185
Subject: Infrastructure ; Latin America ; Caribbean ; Transportation ; Electricity ; Energy ; Communications services ; Fiscal policy ; Public investment ; Public-private partnership ; Private sector ; Environmental sustainability ; Cross country analysis
Title: Investing in Electricity, Growth, and Debt Sustainability : The Case of Lesotho
Author/Editor:Michele Andreolli ; Aidar Abdychev
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 16/115
Subject: Public investment ; Lesotho ; Electricity ; Energy sector ; Economic growth ; Debt sustainability ; Econometric models
Title: Made in Mexico: Energy Reform and Manufacturing Growth
Author/Editor:Jorge Alvarez ; Fabian Valencia
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 15/45
Subject: Energy sector ; Mexico ; Manufacturing sector ; Industrial production ; Electricity ; Energy prices ; Fiscal reforms
Title: South Africa’s Exports Performance : Any Role for Structural Factors?
Author/Editor:Rahul Anand ; Roberto Perrelli ; Boyang Zhang
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 16/24
Subject: Exports ; South Africa ; Export performance ; Exchange rate depreciation ; Real effective exchange rates ; Electricity ; Labor markets ; Competition

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