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Price elasticity
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Title: Real Effective Exchange Rate and Trade Balance Adjustment: The Case of Turkey
Author/Editor:Plamen K Iossifov,Xuan Fei
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 19/131
Title: How do Economic Growth and Food Inflation Affect Food Insecurity?
Author/Editor:Christian Bogmans,Andrea Pescatori,Ervin Prifti
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 2024/188
Title: China's Trade Flows-Changing Price Sensitivies and the Reform Process
Author/Editor:Cerra, Valerie ; Dayal-Gulati, Anuradha
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 99/1
Subject: Trade policy ; China ; Exports ; Imports ; Price elasticity ; Economic models
Title: Demand for Value Added and Value-Added Exchange Rates
Author/Editor:Rudolfs Bems ; Robert C. Johnson
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 15/199
Subject: Goods ; Price elasticity ; Production ; Real effective exchange rates ; Export competitiveness ; Demand
Title: Energy Subsidies and Energy Consumption : A Cross-Country Analysis
Author/Editor:Joshua Charap ; Arthur Ribeiro da Silva ; Pedro C Rodriguez
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 13/112
Subject: Energy ; Subsidies ; Energy prices ; Consumption ; Demand ; Price elasticity ; Cross country analysis
Title: Euro Area Export Performance and Competitiveness
Author/Editor:Bayoumi, Tamim ; Harmsen, Richard T. ; Turunen, Jarkko
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 11/140
Subject: Cross country analysis ; Demand ; Economic models ; Euro Area ; Export competitiveness ; Export growth ; Export performance ; Exports ; Price elasticity ; Real effective exchange rates
Title: Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Sub-Saharan African Economies and its Determinants
Author/Editor:Ivohasina Fizara Razafimahefa
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 12/141
Subject: Exchange rates ; Exchange rate regimes ; Price elasticity ; Prices
Title: Global Value Chains and the Exchange Rate Elasticity of Exports
Author/Editor:Swarnali Ahmed ; Maximiliano Appendino ; Michele Ruta
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 15/252
Subject: Exports ; Real effective exchange rates ; Price elasticity ; Manufactured goods ; Export growth ; Exchange rate depreciation
Title: House Price Determinants in Selected Countries of the Former Soviet Union
Author/Editor:Stepanyan, Vahram ; Poghosyan, Tigran ; Bibolov, Aidyn
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 10/104
Subject: Business cycles ; Capital inflows ; Cross country analysis ; Economic growth ; External shocks ; Former Soviet Union ; Housing prices ; Price elasticity ; Workers remittances
Title: A Method for Calculating Export Supply and Import Demand Elasticities
Author/Editor:Tokarick, Stephen
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 10/180
Subject: Balance of trade ; Demand elasticity ; Exchange rate assessments ; Exports ; Price elasticity ; Real effective exchange rates ; Supply elasticity
Title: Nigeria's Non-Oil Exports: Determinants of Supply and Demand, 1970-90
Author/Editor:Lukonga, Inutu
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 94/59
Subject: Exports ; Nigeria ; Supply ; Supply elasticity ; Demand ; Price elasticity
Title: Oil and the World Economy : Some Possible Futures
Author/Editor:Michael Kumhof ; Dirk Muir
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 12/256
Subject: Oil production ; Demand ; Supply ; Oil prices ; External shocks ; Price elasticity ; Economic models
Title: Optimal Price Indices for Targeting Inflation Under Incomplete Markets
Author/Editor:Anand, Rahul ; Prasad, Eswar
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 10/200
Subject: Consumer price indexes ; Consumption ; Demand ; Economic models ; Emerging markets ; Food production ; Inflation ; Inflation targeting ; Monetary policy ; Price elasticity ; Welfare
Title: Revisiting Tourism Flows to the Caribbean: What is Driving Arrivals?
Author/Editor:Nicole Laframboise ; Nkunde Mwase ; Joonkyu Park ; Yingke Zhou
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 14/229
Subject: Tourism ; Caribbean ; Gross domestic product ; Expenditures ; Price elasticity ; Real effective exchange rates
Title: Sustainable Real Exchange Rates in the New EU Member States: What did the Great Recession Change?
Author/Editor:Babecky, Jan ; Bulir, Ales ; Smídková, Katerina
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 10/198
Subject: Bilateral trade ; Currencies ; Economic models ; Economic recession ; European Economic and Monetary Union ; Exchange rate regimes ; Exports ; Foreign direct investment ; Imports ; Price elasticity ; Real effective exchange rates
Title: Time Series Analysis of Export Demand Equations - A Cross-Country Analysis
Author/Editor:Senhadji Semlali, A. ; Montenegro, Claudio
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 98/149
Subject: Exports ; Demand ; Income ; Price elasticity
Title: Time-Series of Structural Import Demand Equations - A Cross-Country Analysis
Author/Editor:Senhadji Semlali, A.
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 97/132
Subject: Imports ; Demand ; Income ; Price elasticity ; Economic models
Title: What Explains the Rise in Food Price Volatility?
Author/Editor:Roache, Shaun K.
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 10/129
Subject: Agricultural prices ; Commodity price fluctuations ; Economic models ; Food production ; Inflation ; Price elasticity ; Price increases ; Supply elasticity
Title: Why Does Bad News Increase Volatility and Decrease Leverage?
Author/Editor:Fostel, Ana ; Geanakoplos, John
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 10/206
Subject: Asset prices ; Business cycles ; Debt ; Economic models ; External shocks ; Financial crisis ; Housing ; Housing prices ; Price elasticity

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