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Real exchange rates
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Title: Real Exchange Rate and External Balance : How Important Are Price Deflators?
Author/Editor:JaeBin Ahn,Rui Mano,Jing Zhou
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 17/81
Title: Corporate Investment and the Real Exchange Rate
Author/Editor:Mai Chi Dao,Camelia Minoiu,Jonathan David Ostry
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 17/183
Title: Unconventional Policies and Exchange Rate Dynamics
Author/Editor:Gustavo Adler,Ruy Lama,Juan Pablo Medina
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 17/237
Title: The Sectoral Effects of Real Depreciations in Latin America
Author/Editor:Sergi Lanau
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 17/249
Title: Why are Countries’ Asset Portfolios Exposed to Nominal Exchange Rates?
Author/Editor:Jonathan J. Adams,Philip Barrett
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 17/291
Title: Real Exchange Rates, Economic Complexity, and Investment
Author/Editor:Steve Brito,Nicolas E Magud,Sebastian Sosa
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 18/107
Title: The Turning Tide: How Vulnerable are Asian Corporates?
Author/Editor:Bo Jiang,Tahsin Saadi Sedik
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 19/93
Title: Real Effective Exchange Rate and Trade Balance Adjustment: The Case of Turkey
Author/Editor:Plamen K Iossifov,Xuan Fei
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 19/131
Title: Domestic Amplifiers of External Shocks: Growth Accelerations and Reversals in Emerging Market and Developing Economies
Author/Editor:Bertrand Gruss,Malhar S Nabar,Marcos Poplawski Ribeiro
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 19/128
Title: Republic of Mozambique : Selected Issues
Author/Editor:International Monetary Fund. African Dept.
lblSeries:Country Report No. 19/167
Title: The Mirage of Falling R-stars
Author/Editor:Ales Bulir,Jan Vlcek
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 2024/161
Title: Currencies in Turbulence: Exploring the Impact of Natural Disasters on Exchange Rates
Author/Editor:Anh Thi Ngoc Nguyen,Ha Nguyen
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 2024/186
Title: The Real Exchange Rate : Assessment and Trade Impact in the Context of Fiji and Samoa
Author/Editor:Jan Gottschalk ; Carl Miller ; Lanieta Rauqeuqe ; Isoa Wainiqolo ; Yongzheng Yang
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 16/168
Subject: Real exchange rates ; Fiji ; Samoa ; Tourism ; Demand ; Real effective exchange rates ; Balance of trade ; Exports ; Consumer price indexes

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