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Reserve currencies
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Title: Geopolitical Alignment and the Use of Global Currencies
Author/Editor:Jakree Koosakul,Longmei Zhang,Maryam Zia
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 2024/189
Title: Characteristics of the Euro, the Demand for Reserves, and Policy Coordination Under EMU
Author/Editor:Masson, Paul R. ; Turtelboom, Bart
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 97/58
Subject: European Economic and Monetary Union ; euro ; Reserve currencies ; Exchange rates
Title: Exchange Rate Regimes and the Stability of the International Monetary System
Author/Editor:Atish R. Ghosh ; Jonathan David Ostry ; Charalambos G. Tsangarides
lblSeries:Occasional Paper No. 270
Subject: Exchange rate regimes ; Financial stability ; International monetary system ; Reserve currencies ; Reserves accumulation ; Trade integration
Title: Portfolio Performance of the SDR and Reserve Currencies: Tests Using the ARCH Methodology
Author/Editor:Papaioannou, Michael G. ; Temel, Tugrul
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 93/10
Subject: SDRs ; Reserve currencies ; Reserves ; Economic models
Title: The Debate on the International Monetary System
Author/Editor:Isabelle Mateos y Lago ; Rupa Duttagupta ; Rishi Goyal
lblSeries:Staff Position Note No. 2009/26
Subject: International monetary system ; Reserve currencies ; IMF ; Access to Fund general resources ; Emerging markets ; Exchange rate regimes ; External shocks ; Fund role ; Reserve positions ; SDRs

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