International Monetary Fund

What's New Archive

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Press Release: International Organizations Take Major Step to Boost Global Cooperation in Tax Matters

April 19, 2016

IMF Video:A Call to Action

April 18, 2016

Managing Budgetary Virements

April 18, 2016

IMF Policy Paper: Update on the Financing of the Fund''s Concessional Assistance and Debt Relief to Low-Income Member Countries

April 18, 2016

Managing Budgetary Virements

April 18, 2016
Technical Notes and Manuals No. 2016/4  click for more

Japan Adheres to the International Monetary Fund’s Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus

April 18, 2016
Press Release  click for more

IMF Video:The Evolving Role of China in the Global Economy

April 18, 2016

Press Line by Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund on Ecuador

April 17, 2016

IMF’s South Asia Regional Training and Technical Assistance Center (SARTTAC) to receive US$1.9 million from Australia

April 17, 2016
Press Release  click for more

African Consultative Group Meeting: Statement by the Chairman of the African Caucus and the Managing Director of the IMF

April 17, 2016
Press Release  click for more

Transcript of Middle East and Central Asia (MCD) Press Briefing on MCD Economic Outlook Update

April 17, 2016

Transcript of Western Hemisphere Department Press Briefing

April 16, 2016

Drought, Insecurity Add to Commodity Woes African Ministers

April 16, 2016
IMF Survey  click for more

Development Committee Communiqué

April 16, 2016

Transcript of the IMFC Press Conference

April 16, 2016

IMF Video:Press Briefing: Asia and Pacific Department

April 16, 2016

IMF Video:Press Briefing by the European Department

April 16, 2016

IMF Video:Press Briefing: African Department

April 16, 2016

IMF Video:Press Briefing: Middle East and Central Asia Department

April 16, 2016

IMF Video:IMFC Press Conference

April 16, 2016

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