International Monetary Fund

What's New Archive

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Statement by IMF African Department Director Abebe Aemro Selassie at the Conclusion of his Visit to Gabon

March 27, 2018

IMF Staff Completes Review Visit to Moldova

March 27, 2018

El Salvador: Concluding Statement of the 2018 Article Iv Consultation Mission

March 27, 2018

IMF Executive Board Completes Second Review under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) Arrangement for Tunisia

March 26, 2018

Statement by IMF African Department Director Abebe Aemro Selassie at the Conclusion of his Visit to Senegal

March 26, 2018

Switzerland: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2018 Article IV Mission

March 26, 2018

A Central Fiscal Stabilization Capacity for the Euro Area

March 26, 2018
Staff Discussion Notes No. 18/03  click for more

A Compass to Prosperity: The Next Steps of Euro Area Economic Integration

March 26, 2018

Burkina Faso : Economic Development Documents

March 23, 2018
Country Report No. 18/85  click for more

The statement by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde on Meeting with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

March 23, 2018

Lao People’s Democratic Republic : 2017 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Lao People’s Democratic Republic

March 23, 2018
Country Report No. 18/84  click for more

Bhutan : Technical Assistance Report-SARTTAC Report on National Accounts Statistics Mission

March 23, 2018
Country Report No. 18/79  click for more

IMF Executive Board Completes the 2017 Article IV Consultation with Lao People’s Democratic Republic

March 23, 2018

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2017 Article IV Consultation; and Completion of the First Review under and Extension of the Staff monitored Program with The Gambia

March 23, 2018

Independent Fiscal Councils: Recent Trends and Performance

March 23, 2018
Working Paper No. 18/68  click for more

At A Cost: the Real Effects of Transfer Pricing Regulations

March 23, 2018
Working Paper No. 18/69  click for more

Aging, Secular Stagnation and the Business Cycle

March 23, 2018
Working Paper No. 18/67  click for more

IMF Staff Completes Review Mission to Rwanda

March 23, 2018

The Bahamas: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2018 Article IV Mission

March 22, 2018

IMF Staff Concludes Review Mission to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania

March 22, 2018

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