Appendix B
High School Lesson Plans for History & Geography Classes

"At the IMF Center": Exhibit Worksheet

Money Matters:
The Importance of Global Cooperation

Instructions: Work cooperatively in your small group. Look at the entire exhibit and then focus on your assigned exhibit area. This worksheet will help guide your explorations. When you return to the classroom, you will form new groups and take responsibility for "teaching" the new group about your respective exhibit area. Be prepared to discuss

  • how the IMF has affected the lives of individuals, the United States as a nation, and the world;
  • why protests have been aimed at the IMF.

  1. Questions for each exhibit area:
    • Destruction and Reconstruction (1945 - 1958)
      1. What role did the IMF play in the Reconstruction of Europe after World War II?
      2. How was the United States involved in the process?
      3. What motivated the United States to become involved?
      4. What impact did the involvement of the United States have on its economy?
      5. How has the role of the IMF changed since its founding?
      6. Do you think that 50 years from now the nations of the world will see a need for the IMF? Explain.

    • System In Crisis (1959 - 1971)
      1. What two events precipitated the economic crisis between 1959 - 1971?
      2. What was the response of the IMF?
      3. How was the crisis resolved?
      4. How has the role of the IMF changed since its founding?
      5. Do you think that 50 years from now the nations of the world will see a need for the IMF? Explain.

    • Reinventing the System (1972 - 1981)
      1. During this period the IMF was under attack for outliving its usefulness. How did the IMF adapt to a changing world?
      2. What was the impact of inflation and petrodollars on the world economy?
      3. What was the floating rate system? Why is it significant?
      4. How has the role of the IMF changed since its founding?
      5. Do you think that 50 years from now the nations of the world will see a need for the IMF? Explain.

    • Debt and Transition (1981 - 1989)
      1. Name four countries that found themselves heavily in debt during this period?
      2. How was this debt accrued?
      3. How did they resolve their problems? What role did the IMF play?
      4. How did the collapse of Communist Eastern Europe in 1989 affect the global economy? What role did the IMF take in this situation?
      5. How has the role of the IMF changed since its founding?
      6. Do you think that 50 years from now the nations of the world will see a need for the IMF? Explain.

    • Globalization and Integration (1989 - 1999)
      1. What are the differences between a central planning economy, a transition economy, and a free market economy?
      2. Cite some of the negative and positive outcomes of the transition to a free market economy.
      3. What are some key economic changes in countries in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia?
      4. What role did the IMF play in supporting economic stability in countries with transitional economies?
      5. What is the Euro and why is it significant?
      6. How has the role of the IMF changed since its founding?
      7. Do you think that 50 years from now the nations of the world will see a need for the IMF? Explain.

  2. Video Case Studies
    Instructions: View the case study videos about African countries and Korea showing at the IMF mini-theatre. How has the IMF made a difference in the day-to-day existence of the people in these member nations? Be prepared to give examples of economic, social, and cultural changes.

Money Matters Curriculum Table of Contents

Money Matters