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Consumption taxes
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Title: Identical Twins? Destination-Based Cash-Flow Taxes Versus Consumption Taxes with Payroll Subsidies
Author/Editor:Benjamin Carton,Emilio Fernández Corugedo,Benjamin L Hunt
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 17/276
Title: Japan : Selected Issues
Author/Editor:International Monetary Fund. Asia and Pacific Dept
lblSeries:Country Report No. 18/334
Title: The Kingdom of the Netherlands-Aruba : Technical Assistance Report-Towards a Sustainable Tax System
Author/Editor:International Monetary Fund. Fiscal Affairs Dept.
lblSeries:Country Report No. 18/363
Title: Structural Transformation and Tax Efficiency
Author/Editor:Serhan Cevik,Jan Gottschalk,Eric Hutton,Laura Jaramillo,Pooja Karnane,Moussé Sow
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 19/30
Title: Fiscal Consolidation and Public Wages
Author/Editor:Juin-Jen Chang,Hsieh-Yu Lin,Nora Traum,Shu-Chun Susan Yang
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 19/125
Title: Designing a Progressive VAT
Author/Editor:Artur Swistak,Rita de la Feria
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 2024/078
Title: Germany: Selected Issues
lblSeries:Country Report No. 2024/230
Title: High-Level Summary Technical Assistance Report: Mauritania: Tax Policy Diagnostic
Author/Editor:Grégoire Rota-Graziosi,Thomas Benninger,Jean-François Brun,Emilie Caldeira,Fayçal Sawadogo
lblSeries:High Level Summary Technical Assistance Report No. 2024/026
Title: Options for Creating Fiscal Room for Investment and Other Spending Needs: Germany
Author/Editor:Galen Sher
lblSeries:Selected Issues Paper No. 2024/034
Title: A Comparative Analysis of the Structure of Tax Systems in Industrial Countries
Author/Editor:Mendoza, Enrique G. ; Razin, Assaf ; Tesa, Linda L.
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 93/14
Subject: Tax systems ; Tax structures ; Tax rates ; Consumption taxes ; Income taxes ; Savings ; Investment ; Labor ; Capital ; Unemployment
Title: Energy Taxes and Macroeconomic Policy Objectives
Author/Editor:Nellor, David C. L.
lblSeries:Papers on Policy Analysis and Assessment No. 94/9
Subject: Energy taxes ; Fiscal policy ; Consumption taxes ; Employment
Title: Growth Effects of Income and Consumption Taxes: Positive and Normative Analysis
Author/Editor:Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria ; Roubini, Nouriel
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 95/62
Subject: Economic growth ; Income taxes ; Consumption taxes ; Economic models
Title: How Large Are Global Energy Subsidies?
Author/Editor:David Coady ; Ian W.H. Parry ; Louis Sears ; Baoping Shang
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 15/105
Subject: Energy sector ; Subsidies ; Energy prices ; Consumption taxes ; Fiscal reforms ; Sensitivity analysis
Author/Editor:Dixit, Avinash K.
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 90/87
Subject: Taxation ; Commodities ; Tax collection ; Consumption taxes ; Economic models
Title: Raising the Consumption Tax in Japan: Why, When, How?
Author/Editor:Kang, Kenneth ; Keen, Michael ; Pradhan, Mahmood ; Mooij, Ruud A.
lblSeries:Staff Discussion Notes No. 11/13
Subject: Value added tax ; Japan ; Tax revenues ; Consumption taxes ; Tax increases ; Revenue measures
Title: Rethinking Subnational Taxes - A New Look at Tax Assignment
Author/Editor:Bird, Richard Miller
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 99/165
Subject: Revenues ; Income taxes ; Consumption taxes ; Sales taxes ; Taxes ; Value added tax
Title: Tariff-Tax Reforms in Large Economies
Author/Editor:Juha Tervala ; Giovanni Ganelli
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 12/139
Subject: Consumption taxes ; Developing countries ; Economic models ; Tariff reforms ; Tax increases ; Tax reforms ; Tax revenues ; Terms of trade ; Trade liberalization
Title: Tariffs, Optimal Taxes, and Collection Costs
Author/Editor:Mihaljek, Dubravko
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 92/28
Subject: Taxation ; Tariffs ; Consumption taxes ; Tax collection ; Economic models
Title: Tax Policy in MENA Countries : Looking Back and Forward
Author/Editor:Mario Mansour
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 15/98
Subject: Corporate income taxes ; Consumption taxes ; Cross country analysis ; Algeria ; Egypt ; Saudi Arabia ; Oman ; Personal income taxes ; Jordan ; Kuwait ; Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ; Lebanon ; Iraq ; Iran, Islamic Republic of ; Morocco ; North Africa ; Middle East ; Mauritania ; Yemen, Republic of ; Syrian Arab Republic ; Tax policy ; Stamp duties ; Taxation ; Tax revenues ; United Arab Emirates ; Tunisia
Title: Tax Reforms, "Free Lunches", and "Cheap Lunches" in Open Economies
Author/Editor:Ganelli, Giovanni ; Tervala, Juha
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 08/227
Subject: Tax reforms ; Income taxes ; Consumption taxes ; Tax rates ; Budgetary policy ; Economic models
Title: U.S. Tax Reform: An Overview of the Current Debate and Policy Options
Author/Editor:Dalsgaard, Thomas
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 05/138
Subject: Consumption taxes ; Income taxes ; Sales taxes ; Tax reforms ; United States
Title: A U.S. Value-Added Tax--A Review of the Issues
Author/Editor:Shah, Saurin ; Towe, Christopher M.
lblSeries:Papers on Policy Analysis and Assessment No. 95/8
Subject: Tax policy ; United States ; Value added tax ; Consumption taxes

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