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Title: Early Birds, Late Risers, and Sleeping Beauties: Bank Credit Growth to the Private Sector in Central and Eastern Europe and in the Balkans
Author/Editor: Cottarelli, Carlo ; Dell'Ariccia, Giovanni ; Hollar, Ivanna Vladkova
Series: Working Paper No. 03/213
Subject(s): Credit expansion | Central and Eastern Europe | Albania | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bulgaria | Croatia | Czech Republic | Estonia | Hungary | Latvia | Lithuania | Macedonia, FYR | Poland | Romania | Serbia and Montenegro | Private sector | Transition economies | Privatization | Liquidity | Capital controls | Credit ceilings | Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of

Title: Early Ideas on Sovereign Bankruptcy Reorganization: A Survey
Author/Editor: Rogoff, Kenneth ; Zettelmeyer, Jeromin
Series: Working Paper No. 02/57
Subject(s): Debt | Debt restructuring | Debt problems | Bankruptcy

Title: Early Warning Systems: A Survey and a Regime-Switching Approach
Author/Editor: Abiad, Abdul
Series: Working Paper No. 03/32
Subject(s): Financial crisis | Currencies | Economic models

Title: East AFRITAC Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2006-07
Subject(s): AFRITAC | East Africa | Annual reports

Title: East Asia in the Aftermath - Was There a Crunch?
Author/Editor: Ghosh, Atish R. ; Ghosh, Swart R.
Series: Working Paper No. 99/38
Subject(s): Financial crisis | Asia | Credit

Title: The East Asian Crisis - Macroeconomic Developments and Policy Lessons
Author/Editor: Kochhar, Kalpana ; Loungani, Prakash ; Stone, Mark R.
Series: Working Paper No. 98/128
Subject(s): Economic policy | Asia | Interest rates | Exchange rates | Financial crisis

Title: East Asian Growth Before and After the Crisis
Author/Editor: Crafts, N. F. R.
Series: Working Paper No. 98/137
Subject(s): Economic growth | Asia | Financial systems | Financial crisis

Title: East Timor: Establishing the Foundations of Sound Macroeconomic Management
Author/Editor: Mendonca, Luis ; Tareq, Shamsuddin ; Valdivieso, Luis ; López Mejía, Alejandro ; Endo, Toshihide
Subject(s): East Timor

Title: The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank: Challenges to an Effective Lender of Last Resort
Author/Editor: Dehesa, Mario ; Druck, Pablo
Series: Working Paper No. 08/214
Subject(s): Eastern Caribbean Central Bank | Caribbean | Loans | Bank credit | Monetary unions | Exchange rate stability | Liquidity management | Central bank role

Title: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank: Report on Observance of Standards and Codes - Data Module, Response by the Authorities, and Detailed Assessment Using the Data Quality Assessment Framework (DQAF)
Series: Country Report No. 07/289
Subject(s): Data quality assessment framework | Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes | Monetary statistics | Anguilla | Dominica | Grenada | Montserrat | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Lucia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Title: Eastern Caribbean Currency Union : 2010 Discussion on Common Policies of Members Countries—Staff Report; Informational Annex, and the Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion
Series: Country Report No. 11/30
Subject(s): Bank supervision | Banking sector | Debt sustainability | Eastern Caribbean Currency Union | Economic indicators | External debt | Fiscal consolidation | Global competitiveness | Nonbank financial sector | Public debt | Staff Reports | Tourism

Title: Eastern Caribbean Currency Union : 2016 Discussion on Common Policies of Member Countries-Press Release and Staff Report
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Western Hemisphere Dept.
Series: Country Report No. 16/333
Subject(s): Economic growth | Caribbean | Tourism | Banking sector | Offshore financial centers | Monetary policy | Bank resolution | Fiscal policy | Unemployment | Economic indicators | Balance of payments statistics | Staff Reports | Press releases | Eastern Caribbean Currency Union

Title: Eastern Caribbean Currency Union : Selected Issues
Series: Country Report No. 11/32
Subject(s): Eastern Caribbean Currency Union | Economic growth | Economic models | Government expenditures | Public debt | Selected issues | Tourism

Title: Eastern Caribbean Currency Union : Selected Issues
Series: Country Report No. 12/130
Subject(s): Bank supervision | Banks | Data quality assessment framework | Eastern Caribbean Currency Union | Nonbank financial sector | Selected issues | Statistics

Title: Eastern Caribbean Currency Union: 2004 Regional Surveillance--Staff Report; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director on the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union
Series: Country Report No. 04/299
Subject(s): Eastern Caribbean Currency Union | Public information | Staff Reports | Surveillance | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Montserrat | Saint Lucia | Dominica | Anguilla | Antigua and Barbuda | Grenada

Title: Eastern Caribbean Currency Union: 2005 Article IV Consultation - Staff Report and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion on the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union
Series: Country Report No. 05/304
Subject(s): Article IV consultations | Eastern Caribbean Currency Union | Economic growth | Fiscal policy | Public debt | Staff Reports | Trade policy | Antigua and Barbuda | Anguilla | Grenada | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Montserrat | Dominica | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Saint Lucia

Title: Eastern Caribbean Currency Union: 2006 Regional Discussions - Staff Report; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion on the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union
Series: Country Report No. 07/96
Subject(s): Public information | Staff Reports | Monetary unions | Antigua and Barbuda | Dominica | Grenada | St. Kitts and Nevis | St. Lucia | St. Vincent and the Grenadines | Montserrat | Anguilla | Economic growth | Bank supervision | Capital markets | Public debt | Tax reforms | Eastern Caribbean Currency Union | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Saint Lucia

Title: Eastern Caribbean Currency Union: 2007 Discussion on Common Policies of Member Countries - Staff Report; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion
Series: Country Report No. 08/94
Subject(s): Caribbean | Monetary unions | Inflation | Economic conditions | Economic indicators | Economic growth | Debt sustainability | Fiscal sustainability | Bank supervision | Competition | Public information | Staff Reports | Tourism

Title: Eastern Caribbean Currency Union: 2009 Discussion on Common Policies of Members Countries - Staff Report; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion
Series: Country Report No. 09/175
Subject(s): Bank supervision | Banking sector | Credit risk | Debt management | Economic growth | Economic indicators | Fiscal consolidation | Fiscal policy | Fiscal reforms | Monetary policy | Monetary unions | Nonbank financial sector | Public information | Staff Reports | Antigua and Barbuda | Dominica | Grenada | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Lucia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Title: Eastern Caribbean Currency Union: Discussions with Regional Institutions-Staff Report; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion
Series: Country Report No. 03/87
Subject(s): Antigua and Barbuda | Dominica | Grenada | St. Kitts and Nevis | St. Lucia | St. Vincent and the Grenadines | Eastern Caribbean Currency Union | Anguilla | Montserrat | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Lucia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines