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Title: What Really Drives Public Debt : A Holistic Approach
Author/Editor: Pablo Anaya ; Alex Pienkowski
Series: Working Paper No. 15/137
Subject(s): Euro Area | Monetary policy | Fiscal policy | Sovereign debt | Vector autoregression

Title: Collateral Damage : Dollar Strength and Emerging Markets’ Growth
Author/Editor: Pablo Druck ; Nicolas E. Magud ; Rodrigo Mariscal
Series: Working Paper No. 15/179
Subject(s): US dollar | Exchange rate appreciation | Exchange rate depreciation | Commodity price fluctuations | Demand | Economic growth | Emerging markets | Econometric models

Title: Bank Funding Structures and Risk : Evidence From the Global Financial Crisis
Author/Editor: Pablo Federico ; Francisco F. Vázquez
Series: Working Paper No. 12/29
Subject(s): Bankruptcy | Banks | Financial crisis | Global Financial Crisis 2008-2009 | Risk management

Title: The Economics of Political Transitions : Implications for the Arab Spring
Author/Editor: Padamja Khandelwal ; Agustin Roitman
Series: Working Paper No. 13/69
Subject(s): Political economy | Egypt | Tunisia | Yemen | Jordan | Libya | Morocco | Economic conditions | Economic growth | Transition economies

Title: The Impact of Oil Prices on the Banking System in the GCC
Author/Editor: Padamja Khandelwal ; Ken Miyajima ; Andre O Santos
Series: Working Paper No. 16/161
Subject(s): Oil prices | Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf | Banking sector | Bank capital | Non-performing loans | Panel analysis | Vector autoregression | Econometric models

Title: Macroprudential Policies to Enhance Financial Stability in the Caucasus and Central Asia
Author/Editor: Padamja Khandelwal,Ezequiel Cabezon,Sanan Mirzayev,Rayah Al-Farah
Series: Departmental Paper No 2022/006

Title: A Cross-Country Analysis of the Tax-Push Hypothesis
Author/Editor: Padoa-Schioppa, Fiorella
Series: Working Paper No. 92/11
Subject(s): Tax policy | Wages | Economic models

Title: Competitiveness and the Equilibrium Exchange Rate in Costa Rica
Author/Editor: Paiva, Claudio
Series: Working Paper No. 01/23
Subject(s): Exchange rates | Costa Rica | Current account | Export competitiveness

Title: Trade Elasticities and Market Expectations in Brazil
Author/Editor: Paiva, Claudio
Series: Working Paper No. 03/140
Subject(s): Trade | Brazil | Exchange rates | Economic models

Title: Assessing Protectionism and Subsidies in Agriculture: A Gravity Approach
Author/Editor: Paiva, Claudio
Series: Working Paper No. 05/21
Subject(s): Protectionism | Trade | Agricultural subsidies | Economic models

Title: External Adjustment and Equilibrium Exchange Rate in Brazil
Author/Editor: Paiva, Claudio
Series: Working Paper No. 06/221
Subject(s): Exchange rates | Brazil | Floating exchange rates | Current account

Title: Political Price Cycles in Regulated Industries: Theory and Evidence
Author/Editor: Paiva, Claudio ; Moita, Rodrigo
Series: Working Paper No. 06/260
Subject(s): Political economy | Price controls | Gasoline prices

Title: Firm Investment, Corporate Finance, and Taxation
Author/Editor: Palomba, Geremia
Series: Working Paper No. 02/237
Subject(s): Investment | Capital markets | Taxation | Corporate taxes

Title: Capital Income Taxation and Economic Growth in Open Economies
Author/Editor: Palomba, Geremia
Series: Working Paper No. 04/91
Subject(s): Capital | Income taxes | Economic growth | Taxation | Economic models

Title: On Cross-Border Crypto Flows: Measurement Drivers and Policy Implications
Author/Editor: Pamela Cardozo,Andrés Fernández,Jerzy Jiang,Felipe D Rojas
Series: Working Paper No. 2024/261

Title: India in the 1980s and 1990s: A Triumph of Reforms
Author/Editor: Panagariya, Arvind
Series: Working Paper No. 04/43
Subject(s): Economic reforms | India | China | Economic growth | China, People's Republic of

Title: The Boom, Bust and Restructuring of Indonesian Banks
Author/Editor: Pangestu, Mari ; Habir, Manggi
Series: Working Paper No. 02/66
Subject(s): Financial crisis | Indonesia | Bank reforms | Bank restructuring

Title: Hold Your Nose and Vote: Why Do Some Democracies Tolerate Corruption?
Author/Editor: Pani, Marco
Series: Working Paper No. 09/83
Subject(s): Corruption | Developed countries | Developing countries | Governance | Political economy | Government expenditures | Private sector | Legislation | Economic models

Title: Expenditure Composition and Economic Development in Benin
Author/Editor: Pani, Marco ; El Harrak, Mohamed
Series: African Departmental Paper No. 10/02
Subject(s): Benin

Title: Post-Covid-19 Recovery and Resilience: Leveraging Reforms for Growth and Inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa
Author/Editor: Paola Ganum,Vimal V Thakoor
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/045