IMF Working Papers by Title

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Title: The Rationale and Design of Inflation-Indexed Bonds
Author/Editor: Price, Robert T.
Series: Working Paper No. 97/12
Date: January 01, 1997
Subject(s): Inflation | Bonds | Indexation | Developed countries
Title: The Real Effects of Monetary Policy in the European Union: What Are the Differences?
Author/Editor: Ramaswamy, Ramana ; Sløk, Torsten
Series: Working Paper No. 97/160
Date: December 01, 1997
Subject(s): Monetary policy | European union
Title: Real Exchange Rate Levels, Productivity and Demand Shocks: Evidence from a Panel of 14 Countries
Author/Editor: Chinn, Menzie David ; Johnston, Louis Dorrance
Series: Working Paper No. 97/66
Date: May 01, 1997
Subject(s): Exchange rates | Productivity | Government expenditures | Economic models
Title: Recent Export Credit Market Developments
Author/Editor: Drummond, Paulo Flavio Nacif
Series: Working Paper No. 97/27
Date: March 01, 1997
Subject(s): Export credits | Developing countries | Centrally planned economies
Title: Recovery Ratios and Survival Times for Corporate Bonds
Author/Editor: Izvorski, Ivailo
Series: Working Paper No. 97/84
Date: July 01, 1997
Subject(s): Bonds
Title: Reform of the Canada Pension Plan: Analytical Considerations
Author/Editor: Kramer, Charles Frederick ; Li, Yutong
Series: Working Paper No. 97/141
Date: October 01, 1997
Subject(s): Pensions | Canada | Economic models
Title: The Reform of the Pension System in Italy
Author/Editor: Hamann, A. Javier
Series: Working Paper No. 97/18
Date: February 01, 1997
Subject(s): Pensions | Italy
Title: The Role of Fiscal Policy in Sustainable Stabilization: Evidence from Latin America
Author/Editor: Ter-Minassian, Teresa ; Schwartz, Gerd
Series: Working Paper No. 97/94
Date: August 01, 1997
Subject(s): Fiscal policy | Latin America | Economic stabilization