Spring Meetings 2002
2002 Spring Meetings: News Releases, Speeches, Committee Papers, Documents and Background Information


Spring Meetings 2002 - Documents related to the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) Meeting
Communiqué of the International Monetary and Financial Committee of the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund April 20, 2002
Intensified Work on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) - Joint Progress Report on the Work of the IMF and the World Bank April 17, 2002
Managing Director's Report to the International Monetary and Financial Committee -- Streamlining and Focusing Conditionality and Enhancing Ownership of Fund-Supported Programs
April 17, 2002
Managing Director's Report to the International Monetary and Financial Committee -- Fund Surveillance and Crisis Prevention and Resolution
April 16, 2002
Managing Director's Report to the International Monetary and Financial Committee -- Role of the IMF in Low-Income Countries
April 15, 2002
Provisional Agenda for the Fifth Meeting of the International Monetary and Financial Committee, April 20, 2002
April 15, 2002
HIPC - Status of Implementation April 12, 2002
Enhanced HIPC Initiative and Achievement of Long-Term External Debt Sustainability April 15, 2002
Independent Evaluation Office - Report to IMFC
April 12, 2002
Review of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) Approach: Main Findings
March 15, 2002
Biennial Review of the Implementation of the Fund's Surveillance and of the 1977 Surveillance Decision—Overview
March 13, 2002
Review of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility: Issues and Options
February 14, 2002