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Title: $name

Author: Eswar S Prasad ; Michael P. Keane

Series: Working Papers

Date: January 1, 0001

Subject: Poland Wages

Title: $name

Author: Eswar S Prasad ; Michael P. Keane

Series: Working Papers

Date: January 1, 0001

Subject: Poland

Title: $name

Author: Eswar S Prasad ; Michael P. Keane

Series: Working Papers

Date: January 1, 0001

Subject: Consumption Poland






Title: The Relation Between Skill Levels and the Cyclical Variability of Employment, Hours, and Wages

Author: Keane, P. Michael ; Prasad, S Eswar

Series: Working Paper No. 1993/044

Date: May 1, 1993

Notes: Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 40, No. 4, December 1993.

Subject: Employment Human capital Labor Real wages Wages