Conference on Trade and Growth

Organized by the Trade and Investment Division of the Research Department

International Monetary Fund
Monday, January 9, 2006
IMF Headquarters 1, Blue Level - Room B-702
Washington DC

The conference focused on exploring what underlies the observed difficulty in deriving the full benefits of economic integration through trade as well as from aid flows.

Papers presented at the conference explored the following:

  • why it is so difficult to find a robust positive relationship between aid and growth and what policies can do to increase the chances that aid’s benefits are more fully exploited;
  • the role of excessive regulations in the economy which have the effect of preventing resources from shifting into the most productive sectors of the economy; and
  • measuring trade restrictiveness and whether an economy has become more or less open to international trade.

Attendance at the conference was by invitation only.


Monday, January 9, 2006

9:00 – 9:15 am



Shang-Jin Wei (IMF)


Introductory Remarks


Kalpana Kochhar (IMF)


9:15 – 10:15 am

What Undermines Aid's Impact on Growth?


Raghuram Rajan and Arvind Subramanian (IMF)


Discussant: Aart Kraay (World Bank)


10:15 –10:45 am

Coffee Break


10:45 –11:45 am

Trade, Regulations and Growth


Caroline Freund (World Bank)


Discussant: Simon Johnson (IMF)


11:45 – 12:45 pm

Evaluating the Robustness of Trade Restrictiveness
Indices: Some Good and Bad News


Stephen Tokarick (IMF)




James E. Anderson (Boston College)


Simeon Djankov (World Bank)