Press Release: IMF Managing Director Horst Köhler to Visit Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Russia and Tajikistan

November 7, 2003

The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Horst Köhler, is traveling to Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Russia and Tajikistan the week beginning November 10, to meet with the leaders and senior officials, and representatives of the private sector and civil society of these countries.

Mr. Köhler's trip underlines the importance the IMF attaches to relations with its members in the region, and to supporting their efforts to achieve sustained growth and to raise living standards. The brief stay in Moscow also affords an opportunity to discuss Russian perspectives on cooperation within the region.

In Kazakhstan, Mr. Köhler will speak at the International Conference on the Occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the Introduction of the Tenge - the National Currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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