IMF Working Papers by Author

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Title: The Macroeconomic Effects of Public Investment : Evidence from Advanced Economies
Author/Editor: Abdul Abiad ; Davide Furceri ; Petia Topalova
Series: Working Paper No. 15/95
Date: May 04, 2015
Subject(s): Econometric models | Developed countries | Public investment | Public investment | Infrastructure | OECD | Fiscal policy | Time series
Title: Labor Market Adjustments to Shocks in Australia
Author/Editor: Adil Mohommad
Series: Working Paper No. 17/124
Date: May 24, 2017
Title: What’s Different about Monetary Policy Transmission in Remittance-Dependent Countries?
Author/Editor: Adolfo Barajas ; Ralph Chami ; Christian Ebeke ; Anne Oeking
Series: Working Paper No. 16/44
Date: March 01, 2016
Subject(s): Monetary policy | Monetary transmission mechanism | Remittances | Capital inflows | Banking sector | Loans | Econometric models | Regression analysis
Title: The Role of Bank Capital in Bank Holding Companies’ Decisions
Author/Editor: Adolfo Barajas ; Thomas F. Cosimano ; Dalia Hakura ; Sebastian Roelands
Series: Working Paper No. 15/57
Date: March 16, 2015
Subject(s): Banks | United States | Bank capital | Panel analysis | Vector autoregression
Title: Currency Mismatches and Vulnerability to Exchange Rate Shocks: Nonfinancial Firms in Colombia
Author/Editor: Adolfo Barajas,Sergio Restrepo,Roberto Steiner,Juan Camilo Medellin,Cesar Pabon
Series: Working Paper No. 17/263
Date: November 22, 2017
Title: Centrality-based Capital Allocations
Author/Editor: Adrian Alter ; Ben Craig ; Peter Raupach
Series: Working Paper No. 14/237
Date: December 24, 2014
Subject(s): Banking systems | Interconnectedness | Capital requirements | Credit risk | Systemic risk | Financial contagion | Econometric models
Title: Financial Inclusion and Development in the CEMAC
Author/Editor: Adrian Alter ; Boriana Yontcheva
Series: Working Paper No. 15/235
Date: November 09, 2015
Subject(s): Financial services | Sub-Saharan Africa | Central African Economic and Monetary Community | Financial sector | Development | Banks | Financial institutions | Cross country analysis | Econometric models
Title: Public Investment in a Developing Country Facing Resource Depletion
Author/Editor: Adrian Alter ; Matteo Ghilardi ; Dalia Hakura
Series: Working Paper No. 15/236
Date: November 10, 2015
Subject(s): Public investments | Natural resources | Oil depletion | Developing countries | Debt sustainability | Savings | Oil revenues | Oil prices | Oil exporting countries | Congo, Republic of | Cross country analysis | Economic models
Title: Emerging Market Corporate Leverage and Global Financial Conditions
Author/Editor: Adrian Alter ; Selim Elekdag
Series: Working Paper No. 16/243
Date: December 15, 2016
Subject(s): Corporate debt | Emerging markets | United States | Monetary policy | Economic conditions
Title: Remittances and Macroeconomic Volatility in African Countries
Author/Editor: Ahmat Jidoud
Series: Working Paper No. 15/49
Date: March 02, 2015
Subject(s): Remittances | Africa | Business cycles | Private consumption | Labor supply | Economic stabilization | General equilibrium models
Title: Public Investment Scaling-up and Debt Sustainability : The Case of Energy Sector Investments in the Caribbean
Author/Editor: Ahmed El-Ashram
Series: Working Paper No. 17/138
Date: June 12, 2017
Title: Increasing Productivity Growth in Middle Income Countries
Author/Editor: Aidar Abdychev ; La-Bhus Fah Jirasavetakul ; Andrew W Jonelis ; Lamin Leigh ; Ashwin Moheeput ; Friska Parulian ; Ara Stepanyan ; Albert Touna Mama
Series: Working Paper No. 15/2
Date: January 13, 2015
Subject(s): Total factor productivity | Sub-Saharan Africa | Economic growth | Fiscal reforms | Education | Labor markets | Cross country analysis
Title: Macroprudential Policy and Labor Market Dynamics in Emerging Economies
Author/Editor: Alan Finkelstein Shapiro ; Andres Gonzalez
Series: Working Paper No. 15/78
Date: April 03, 2015
Subject(s): Macroprudential policies and financial stability | Latin America | Emerging markets | Labor markets | Business cycles | Small open economies | Labor market friction | Econometric models
Title: Comparing the Employment-Output Elasticities of Expatriates and Nationals in the Gulf Cooperation Council
Author/Editor: Alberto Behar
Series: Working Paper No. 15/191
Date: August 18, 2015
Subject(s): Employment | Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf | Labor force | Foreign labor | Labor market characteristics | Econometric models | Error analysis
Title: External Adjustment in Oil Exporters : The Role of Fiscal Policy and the Exchange Rate
Author/Editor: Alberto Behar ; Armand Fouejieu
Series: Working Paper No. 16/107
Date: June 08, 2016
Subject(s): Oil exporting countries | Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf | Exchange rates | Current account balances | Balance of trade | Fiscal policy | Regression analysis | Econometric models
Title: Export Spillovers from Global Shocks for the Middle East and Central Asia
Author/Editor: Alberto Behar ; Jaime Espinosa-Bowen
Series: Working Paper No. 14/80
Date: May 09, 2014
Subject(s): External shocks | Middle East and Central Asia | Spillovers | Exports | Economic models
Title: An Analysis of OPEC’s Strategic Actions, US Shale Growth and the 2014 Oil Price Crash
Author/Editor: Alberto Behar ; Robert A Ritz
Series: Working Paper No. 16/131
Date: July 06, 2016
Subject(s): Oil sector | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries | Markets | United States | Oil production | Supply and demand | Oil prices | Econometric models
Title: Managing Credit Bubbles
Author/Editor: Alberto Martin ; Jaume Ventura
Series: Working Paper No. 14/95
Date: June 09, 2014
Subject(s): Credit expansion | Credit booms | Business cycles | Lender of last resort | Borrowing | Econometric models
Title: Regulation and Supervision of Islamic Banks
Author/Editor: Aledjandro Lopez Mejia ; Suliman Aljabrin ; Rachid Awad ; Mohamed Norat ; Inwon Song
Series: Working Paper No. 14/219
Date: December 12, 2014
Subject(s): Islamic banking supervision | Commercial banks | Bank regulations | Credit risk | Comparative advantage
Title: Inflation Dynamics and Monetary Policy in Bolivia
Author/Editor: Alejandro D. Guerson
Series: Working Paper No. 15/266
Date: December 18, 2015
Subject(s): Monetary policy | Bolivia | Inflation | Stabilization measures | Currency pegs | Flexible exchange rate policy