

IMF Seminars, Conferences and Workshops

Research at the IMF

Recent Trade Research and Implications for Developing Countries
An IMF Conference
IMF Headquarters, Meeting Halls A and B
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Last Updated: October 15, 2004

The Research Department of the IMF is sponsoring a half-day conference to discuss recent research on issues in international trade of importance to developing countries. The conference will be held in Meeting Rooms A and B at IMF Headquarters on October 19, 2004. The conference is not open to the general public.

The conference will include a discussion of the following topics: (i) the impact of the erosion of trade preferences on developing countries and preferential trade agreements; (ii) the effect of trade liberalization on the fiscal positions of developing countries-countries where taxes on trade account for a significant portion of revenue; and (iii) the results of recent research on the impact of liberalization of trade in agricultural products on developing countries. The conference will conclude with a panel discussion, comprised of prominent trade policy experts, on the role the IMF could play in fostering trade reforms in developing countries.


Tuesday, October 19, 2004
9–9:15 am Opening remarks by Raghuram Rajan, Director, Research Department, IMF
9:15–9:20 am Overview of the conference: Shang-Jin Wei, Research Department, IMF
9:25–10:35 am Session 1: Free Trade Agreements and Preferential Market Access: Too Much of a Good Thing?
  Chair: Anoop Singh, Director, Western Hemisphere Department, IMF
  John Romalis, Research Department, IMF: Why free trade agreements are not the same thing as free trade
  Caglar Ozden, World Bank: How should low-income countries cope with erosion of preferential access
  Discussant: Hans-Peter Lankes, Division Chief, Policy Development and Review Department, IMF
10:35am–11:00 am Coffee Break
11:00am–12:10 pm Session 2: Do Trade Reforms Help or Hurt Developing Countries?
  Chair: Teresa Ter-Minasian, Director, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF
  Michael Keen, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF: Should low-income countries be concerned with significant revenue losses from trade reforms?
  Stephen Tokarick, Research Department, IMF: Reform of agricultural trade policies
  Discussant: Pravin Krishna, Johns Hopkins University
12:15–1:20 pm Panel Discussion: The IMF and Trade Reforms in Developing Countries
  Chair: Anne O. Krueger, First Deputy Managing Director, IMF
  J. Dave Richardson, Syracuse University and NBER
  T.N. Srinivasan, Yale University
  L. Alan Winters, World Bank
1:20 pm Adjourn


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I. Papers Related to the Conference Sessions

Trade Preferences:

1. Ozden, Caglar, and Eric Reinhardt, 2003, "Unilateral Preference Programs: The Evidence"

2. Romalis, John, 2004, "NAFTA's and CUSFTA's Impact on International Trade"

Revenue Impact of Trade Liberalization

3. Baunsgaard, Thomas, and Michael Keen, 2004, "Tax Revenue and (or) Trade Liberalization?"

Agricultural Trade Liberalization

4. Tokarick, Stephen, 2003, "Measuring the Impact of Distortions in Agricultural Trade in Partial and General Equilibrium," IMF Working Paper 03/110

II. Other Relevant Papers on Trade Topics:

A. Trade and Growth

1. Cassing, James, and Stephen Tokarick, 2004, "Trade and Growth in the Presence of Distortions."

2. Brunner, Alan, 2003, "The Long-Run Effects of Trade on Income and Income Growth," IMF Working Paper 03/37.

3. Berg, Andrew, and Anne Krueger, 2003, "Trade, Growth, and Poverty: A Selective Survey," IMF Working Paper 03/30.

B. Issues in Trade Liberalization and Trade Policy Reform

1. Tokarick, Stephen, 2004, "What Do We Know About Tariff Incidence?" IMF Working Paper 04/182

2. Mlachila, Montfort, and Yang, Yongzheng, 2004, "The End of Textiles Quotas: A Case Study of the Impact on Bangladesh," IMF Working Paper 04/108.

3. Amiti, Mary, 2003, "Are Uniform Tariffs Optimal?"

4. Subramanian, Arvind, and Shang-Jin Wei, 2003, "The WTO Promotes Trade, Strongly But Unevenly," IMF Working Paper 03/185.

5. Wang, Qing, 2001, "Import-Reducing Effect of Trade Barriers: A Cross Country Investigation," IMF Working Paper 01/216.

C. Trade Policy and Labor Markets:

1. Amiti, Mary, and Shang-Jin Wei, 2004, "Fear of Outsourcing: Is It Justified?" IMF Working Paper 04/186.

2. Tokarick, Stephen, 2002, "Quantifying the Impact of Trade on Wages: The Role of Nontraded Goods," IMF Working Paper 02/191.

D. Regional Trade Policy Studies

1. Kose, Ayhan, Meredith, Guy, and Christopher Towe, 2004, "How Has NAFTA Affected the Mexican Economy? Review and Evidence," IMF Working Paper 04/59.

2. Rumbaugh, Thomas, and Nicholas Blancher, 2004, "China: International Trade and WTO Accession," IMF Working Paper 04/36.

E. Trade and Financial Issues

1. Lehman, Alexander, Tamirisa, Natalia, and Jaroslaw Wieczorek, 2003, "International Trade in Services: Implications for the IMF," IMF Policy Discussion Paper 03/6.

2. Imbs, Jean, 2003, "Trade, Finance, Specialization, and Synchronization," IMF Working Paper 03/81.

F. Other Trade Research

1. Romalis, John, 2003, "Factor Proportions and the Structure of Commodity Trade,"

2. Broda, Christian, and John Romalis, 2003, "Identifying the Relationship Between Trade and Exchange Rate Volatility"