World MapIMF Government Finance Statistics Advisory Committee (GFSAC)

The IMF Government Finance Statistics Advisory Committee (GFSAC) is a group of internationally recognized experts that advises the IMF on government finance statistics-related matters. It was established in 2014 and includes compilers and users of fiscal statistics (government finance statistics and public sector debt statistics), and representatives of relevant international organizations.

The overall outcome is to foster the compilation and dissemination of high-quality comparable fiscal data for surveillance and decision-making as shown in the terms of reference.

The specific objectives of the GFSAC are as follows:

  • Advise the IMF on methodological and compilation issues, including those related to the update of the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM).
  • Identify topics for study as part of the research agenda and play an active role in determining how to address them.
  • Provide guidance and advocate for the implementation of the GFSM across IMF member countries.
  • Assist in the identification and closing of data gaps in the GFS and PSDS; and
  • Collaborate with other national compilers and with appropriate international and regional organizations.

Alongside other international statistical expert committees, the  GFSAC has had  an important role in the updating of the international macroeconomic statistical standards  It will continue to play a critical role in the updating of the GFSM.  

Meetings of the GFSAC: 2024, 201920172015.