


Latest SIMSDI Metadata

See Also:

Coordinated Direct Investment Survey

OECD Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment (BD4)

Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics

Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB): metadata on SDDS and GDDS data categories

External Debt Statistics: debt data, conference on capital flows and debt statistics, final draft Guide for Compilers and Users, and other selected publications

World Map Direct Investment Methodology

Last Updated: July 24, 2008

Direct investment is the category of international investment that reflects the objective of a resident entity in one economy obtaining a lasting interest in an enterprise resident in another country. (IMF Balance of Payments Manual, fifth edition, paragraph 359.)

This website is divided into the following sections:

See also the webpage regarding the direct investment issues being reviewed in the process of updating of the fifth edition of the IMF Balance of Payments Manual, Issues for Consideration by Technical Experts Groups