International Monetary Fund

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São Tomé and Príncipe: IMF Executive Board Completes the First Review under the ECF Arrangement and Approves US$0.9 Million Disbursement

June 10, 2016
Press Release  click for more

The Impact of Trade Agreements: New Approach, New Insights

June 10, 2016
Working Paper No. 16/117  click for more

The Short-Term Impact of Product Market Reforms: A cross-country firm-level analysis

June 10, 2016
Working Paper No. 16/116  click for more

The Bahamas: IMF Executive Board Concludes 2016 Article IV Consultation

June 10, 2016
Press Release  click for more

Côte d’Ivoire: 2016 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Côte d’Ivoire

June 10, 2016
Country Report No. 16/147  click for more

Côte d’Ivoire: Selected Issues

June 10, 2016
Country Report No. 16/148  click for more

IMF Survey: New Economic Challenges Ahead for Caucasus, Central Asia

June 10, 2016

2016 Michel Camdessus Central Banking Lecture

June 9 , 2016

Cabo Verde: IMF Staff Concludes Visit

June 9 , 2016

Investing in Electricity, Growth, and Debt Sustainability: The Case of Lesotho

June 9 , 2016
Working Paper No. 16/115  click for more

Product Market Deregulation and Growth: New Country-Industry-Level Evidence

June 9 , 2016
Working Paper No. 16/114  click for more

The Consequences of Policy Uncertainty: Disconnects and Dilutions in the South African Real Effective Exchange Rate-Export Relationship

June 9 , 2016
Working Paper No. 16/113  click for more

Uganda: Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic Financial Policies, and Technical Memorandum of Understanding, May 18, 2016

June 9 , 2016

Uganda : Sixth Review Under the Policy Support Instrument and Request for a One-Year Extension-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Uganda

June 9 , 2016
Country Report No. 16/145  click for more

What Does Aid Do to Fiscal Policy? New Evidence

June 9 , 2016
Working Paper No. 16/112  click for more

Podcast: Collect More - Spend Better, Eric Postel

June 9 , 2016

Mali: IMF Executive Board Completes Fifth Review Under the Extended Credit Facility and Approves US$26.9 Million Disbursement

June 9 , 2016
Press Release  click for more

IMF Survey: IMF Study Explores How to Better Manage Government Pay and Employment

June 9 , 2016

Case Studies on Managing Government Compensation and Employment - Institutions, Policies, and Reform Challenges

June 9 , 2016
IMF Policy Paper  click for more

Managing Government Compensation and Employment - Institutions, Policies, and Reform Challenges

June 9 , 2016
IMF Policy Paper  click for more

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