International Monetary Fund

IMF Seminars, Conferences and Workshops

IMF Background Note for the UN MDG Summit

Reaching the MDGs: Macroeconomic Prospects and Challenges in Low-Income Countries

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Please RSVP by September 15th to or call 202-623-6560.



The crisis has set back progress toward the MDGs. To regain momentum, a broad range of policy actions will be required. Above all, it is vital that strong and sustained global economic growth be restored.

The IMF is publishing a background paper ahead of the MDG summit that focuses on the following topics:

How to secure a strong and sustainable growth?

How to expand trade for the poorest countries?

How to scale up investment for growth?

How to build resilience to shocks?


Useful Information

  • When: Thursday, September 16, 2010, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  • Where: International Monetary Fund
  • Address: 1900 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington DC, 20431
  • Room: HQ2 Building - Conference Hall 2
  • RSVP: Please RSVP by September 15th to or call 202-623-6560.

Opening Remarks

John Lipsky, First Deputy Managing Director, IMF
"Reaching the Millennium Development Goals—Macroeconomic Prospects and Challenges in Low-Income Countries"


    George Ayittey, President, Free Africa Foundation

    Nancy Birdsall, President, Center for Global Development

    Hugh Bredenkamp, Deputy Director, Strategy, Policy, and Review Department, IMF

    Mark Plant , Deputy Director, Africa Department, IMF


    Caroline Atkinson, Director, External Relations Department